Picking up from my previous post & this verse …
Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. Romans 12:2
Let me share a few ideas on how you might NOT copy the world’s behavior and take the log out of your own eye. At least these are examples from my own life.
1. Quit saying, “I’m doing this because it’s in my best interest in the long run”.
I was saying this on a regular basis, but I should have been more interested in what the Bible says. Why am I worried about MY interests? God never told me to worry about me, even if the world say says to look out for me.
I must remind myself … don’t worry about the future. Today has enough problems of their own
So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today. Matthew 7:34
2. Spend more time changing myself, instead of my spouse.
You can only change YOU! Let go & let God work in your spouse. (Yep, it’s a cliche but one I claim) You are not your spouse’s Holy Spirit. OUCH! Everyday I must go to God and say, Let him go … I am not his Holy Spirit.
By the way, my words will not change anyone either; only the Holy Spirit changes.
3. Be an example of respect & submission.
I remember Steve asking me to quit rolling my eyes. I told him I wasn’t rolling my eyes. That is …. until Ashley rolled her eyes at me when I asked her to do something. What a big lesson God taught me. I had to apologize to Steve immediately, as well as change my behavior of disrespect. (another life lesson from God)
4. Swallow my pride and show humility.
Trust the Holy Spirit to live through me. This is so easy to say, but extremely difficult to do. That’s the basis of showing unconditional love. Quit thinking of yourself and think of others first.
- When you get an email that seems offensive, show grace & tell yourself they’re having a bad day.
- When someone truly hurts your feelings, remember that you don’t know ALL that’s happening in their life. Show grace, mercy & compassion
- When someone does not respond to your text immediately, don’t take it personally.
- When you see your friends at the park with their kids (on Facebook) and you weren’t included, give grace. It may have been a spur of the moment stop on their way home.
- When you see the perfect pinterest homeschool activity, remember nothing is perfect.
Don’t compare yourself to others. Just compare yourself to the Bible.
Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. Romans 12:2
I know some of you might be saying, you don’t understand Kerry. I’m in a situation that I need to change.
Oh, but I do understand. In the past few months, I’ve been in situations where those around me were sinning … but I could only change me!
I have to let them go and let God work on their sin. It’s not my job to change them. It’s my job to show God’s unconditional love, compassion, & grace, accepting them in humility.
If this is a bunch of rambling, I apologize. God is working very closely with me these past several months. I am learning so much through the Holy Spirit that it’s hard to share in such a short, concise space.
In fact, I recently read a great book about the Holy Spirit…the most unseen person of the Trinity. Have you read Spirit Rising? I highly recommend it.
Question: How do you show humility & unconditional love? grace? compassion? forgiveness? You can leave a comment by clicking here.

One Comment
What a wonderful article. Great reminders on the importance of working on ourselves instead of others.