Are you looking for new learning games with kids?
Do you have leftover plastic Easter eggs?

Try some of these ideas and make learning fun in your homeschool. From preschool to geography to fractions. Your kids will enjoy these Easter egg activities.
My kids loved hunting for Easter eggs…for weeks after Easter. If possible, hide the eggs first. Let them hunt for the eggs and then do one of the following activities.
Easter Egg Activities
- Number eggs. Find odds and place them in number order. Use an egg carton to hold your eggs.
- Match clock with time
- Label eggs with letters so you have enough letters for your spelling words. Call out your spelling list and let your child use the eggs to spell the words. Place the word in your egg carton. If you don’t want to call the words yourself, use a program like Phonetic Zoo Spelling. Pop in the cd and they will call out your spelling list.
- Match states & capitals
- Match fraction with decimals.
Learning Games with Kids using Easter Eggs
- Match rhyming words
- Match capital letter with lower case letter
- Make compound words
- Work on fine motor skills by using your plastic Easter egg as a scoop. Scoop up dried beans or sand or peanuts. If you scoop up an item like beans or peanuts, have your child count how many they scoop each time.
More Learning Games with Kids using Easter Eggs
- Number your eggs by 5’s or 10’s or odds/evens. Hide the eggs. Once your childrne find all the eggs, make a train of Easter eggs with the numbers in correct order.
- Sort your eggs by odd numbers & even numbers.
- Match stickers with words
- Match number with dots
- Fill eggs with different items. Let your child shake the egg and guess what is inside.
- Sort your eggs by color.
Give each child an egg carton to show his eggs when he has completed his task.
For more ways to encourage a love of learning with games, use our Teaching Kids with ‘Easy to Use’ Games. Tons of games for less than a pizza for your family right here.

Question: What other learning games with kids can you make with leftover plastic eggs? You can leave a comment by clicking here.

Wonderful ideas! I’m going to need to make some of these today. Thanks for stopping by my blog with UBP2013, I added you on FB and Twitter 🙂
Thanks for the follow. I”ve been following others from UBP too.
Thanks for stopping by My Very Educated Mother! I love this idea and I’m always happy to find another homeschooling blogger! #UBP13
Glad you stopped by also…it is fun to connect w/homeschoolers as well