If you have a special needs child who…
- Cries doing school work
- Has difficulty reading
- Can’t remember the number facts
- Refuses to practice
- Has low self-esteem

I’m so excited about next Tuesday’s online workshop with Dr. Linda Silbert. She has written 30 books and created oodles of educational games to help parents when their children struggle in learning or other types of learning disabilities.
Your child may have a specific learning disability, like ADHD or dyslexia. Or maybe he struggles with language processing. Or maybe simply can’t remember what he learned yesterday. This workshop is for YOU!
- How you can help your child sit, focus, & think in homeschool
- How to help kids with different types of learning disabilities
- A simple technique to help your children learn & remember more
- 5 reasons you should integrate play into your homeschool
- How to motivate your child to practice reading & math skills over & over
- How to help your child learn without realizing it
- How to lower anxiety in your kids, especially ADHD children
- Why & How to use multi-sensory activities to increase learning
- How to increase self-esteem in children with learning disabilities
- How to help your child write stories without complaining
- How to help your child to enjoy math
- 6 Easy Games you can play tomorrow & help your child learn reading or math
- 7 Inexpensive Store-Bought Items to increase learning in your homeschool
- How to help kids with different types of learning disabilities
The information in this workshop is based on 40 years of experience with children’s development.
Drs. Linda and Alvin Silbert, the founders and directors of Strong Learning, have dedicated over 40 years to the growth and enhancement of children’s intellectual, emotional and social development. They have written books for parents and teachers and over 40 books for children, K-college and have sold over a million copies. They have appeared on radio and TV throughout the U.S. & Canada.
Step 1: To join the “Learning By Playing” workshop – please complete the registration information below and click the button. (We respect your privacy and will not share your information.)
Step 2: You’ll receive an email with the workshop information… so make sure you enter your primary email address in the box below.
I guarantee this will be one of the most informative and helpful workshops you have ever attended!
If you do not see the red button to submit your registration, please use Firefox or Internet Explorer. Chrome is having issues with our form.
- GIVEAWAY: Dr. Linda Silbert is giving away one of her Creative Thinking Activity workbooks to one lucky winner. Enter below to win!
- FREE HANDOUT: Everyone who registers for the workshop will receive a special handout from Dr. Silbert. Watch your email after you register for the link.
Talk to you soon! 🙂
Question: What questions do you have for Dr. Linda? You can leave a comment by clicking here.
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1. My 9 year old daughter has always been a very good reader. But from a few months ago it is like there is some sort of block. She struggles to read now and can’t even read simple short words. Why is this happening and what can I do to help her?
2. How can I help my kids remember the work I teach them? This relates to all subjects.
Thank you
Thanks for the questions. I will relay them to Dr. Linda
My family is new to homeschooling. I do not have any questions at the moment. However, I am excited to learn different ways to help with anxiety and motivation/perseverance.
We finished our first year of homeschooling. It was a year of trial and error. I’m looking forward to getting some insight on how to make things better for next year. Thanks!
I am really looking forward to tonight’s workshop!
Hi Jennifer…just a reminder that the workshop is tomorrow. 🙂
Will there be a podcast available for this? I just noted that in my timezone it will be 3 in the morning and scared I might miss it??
We are recording this workshop. It will only be sent to those who register…on Wednesday. Be sure to register if you want the replay.
It’s nice that we may learn until we die. There is always more to learn in so many different things. I like that one abc song we often hear on you tube. And the last line says, so many things for you to learn about so many ways to sing your song.
We have done vision therapy for a tracking issue, but one of my children (6th grade) still doesn’t want to read on their own although the capabilities seem to be there. How can we encourage without discouraging or pushing to hard in this case?
How to help a child who is behind about a year developmentally and nonverbal?
I have a child who has many characteristics of a right brain learner. What games might work best for this learning style? Also, any suggestions for how to encourage a child who has an older and younger sib who memorize information almost effortlessly, and thus feels like she doesn’t measure up. We point out her strengths and don’t compare her to her sibs, but she compares herself.
My 7 1/2 year old son just finished first grade. He understands and is capable of doing math, but says he hates it. He has SPD and ADHD. We have used Math-U-See for the past 3 years and am trying to figure out what to use for next year and how to help him love math like I do.
How do I know when I should keep working on something my child is not understanding and when I should just stop and try again another time?
every time i try to register is says the site is infected with malware…a friend is going to try to register me, just letting you know! looking forward to it!
Jen, I am so sorry. We are having problems with a malware box. We don’t have any malware on our site. You are probably already registered. See if you received an email from GoToWebinar or from us. You should receive 2 emails with log in information.
My son is a nonverbal Autistic with tactile sensory issues and has trouble sitting at the table for school, he is young still but I want to work in school type schedule/activities early to get him in the groove. What types of activities can we do away from the table? I know she will for sure cover this in the workshop 🙂
As a tutor of children and adults, I am looking forward to applying your ideas. Could you possibly tag on a few suggestions how to modify games and materials for my adult literacy students? Thanks in advance.
When even reading on your favorite subject is a struggle what do you do to encourage through it?
My son was born with a brain injury and has some developmental delays, so this will be very helpful information for me. I can’t wait to hear about ways to help him learn!
We registered on the weekend-yesterday but am unsure/have know idea what to do once we get to the go to… page Please help Thanks [we’ve attempted to use this place before but never managed to get in]
You’ll need to download the gotowebinar software. That will allow you to watch the workshop. Be sure to go all the way through until you see the RUN button. If you log in early, I’ll try to watch email to see if you are having problems.