In honor of Mother’s Day this coming Sunday, we are having a special on our homeschool language arts products from Excellence in Writing. Anyone who purchases an IEW product from our website this week will receive our creative writing lesson – “Write About Your Mom (or Dad or Grandma or…)”
This is a fun writing lesson to do at the end of the year. Let your kids write about someone they love & respect.
All our IEW products are listed here:
We have all the new IEW products in stock and ready to ship. This includes:
- Following Narnia Writing Lessons
- Succeeding on the AP English Language Exam
- Writing Research Papers
- Rockets, Radar, Robotics
- Story Quest Creative Writing Guide
We also have the UPDATED resources from Excellence in Writing.
- Student Writing Intensive (levels A,B,C)
- Teaching Writing & Student Writing Intensive Combo
- All Things Fun & Fascinating
- Geography Based Writing Lessons
(Beautiful Feet & Holling C. Holling Books)
- Medieval History Based Writing Lessons
- Australian History Based Writing Lessons
- Character Based Writing Lessons
- Advanced Spelling & Vocabulary
- Teaching With Games

Hi, had a question about following Narnia. My daughter LOVES Narnia but hates to write. She is on her own, writing a book about Narnia, so I think Following Narnia would help her greatly. I did listen to the video and you said something about a teacher prerequisite. I need to know more about that resource. I am not familiar with that. You can email me directly if you like.
The teacher prerequisite is our Teaching Writing Structure & Style program. It teaches moms how to teach writing, using a variety of outlines & stylistic techniques. Following Narnia does not teach moms how to use those outlines & stylistic techniques. It assumes you can reference Teaching Writing resource.
FWIW…The Teaching Writing resource was the 1st writing program I bought as a homeschool mom & former public school teacher (I taught writing to 5th graders). Teaching Writing is the one resource we used continually throughout the 10 years I homeschooled. To this day, my college-age kids say they still use concepts they learned in Teaching Writing.
If you want to know more about Teaching Writing, here’s a link:
Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions.