Keep Your Eyes on Jesus

Free Life Skills Leadership Summit

Do you ever have those voices in your head, complaining about a family member or running a conversation you’d like to have with your spouse to try and fix him? Even if you want to quit the negative thinking, you just can’t.

I have an idea that is working. God is helping me get rid of that negative chatterbox in my mind. It all started when I saw & heard the same verse four times in one day. Hey, I think God is trying to tell me something.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. 

We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne.  Hebrews 12:1-2

Keep your eyes on Jesus - FREE Bible verse printable

1st Time:

In my online Bible study email this morning, it was entirely about these verses.

Keeping my eyes on Jesus.  Running “the” race.

God has a specific race for me to run. It includes obstacles, trials, suffering to bring beauty out of ashes. I can’t avoid suffering, but I can keep my eyes on Jesus to make it through the day.

2nd Time:

As I was cleaning up, I opened a podcast that happened to be on shame. In the middle of the podcast, she shared Hebrews 12:1-2, giving the example of throwing off dumbbells when working out. How much lighter our load is without the extra weight, without the extra sin that easily entangles us.

One of those extra weights might be shame. 

She gave a wide variety of situations that cause shame: abortion, substance abuse, divorce, prodigal child and more.  God forgives freely and completely, so we can overcome any shame the enemy attacks us with. 

Again, keep your eyes on Jesus to overcome shame.

3rd Time:

I drove to the grocery store and the verse sitting on my steering wheel was Hebrews 12:1-2. In my car, I have about 5-7 index cards that I rotate as I run errands.

Generally, I pray for our family to throw off the sin that trips us up.  Keep your eyes on Jesus. Follow Jesus example of focusing on joy as we endure hardships.  It is only by focusing on Jesus that we overcome any sin, shame or guilt.

4th Time:

When I arrived home, I was cutting some roses in the sink. I glanced beyond the kitchen sink and saw … you guessed it … Hebrews 12:2. I didn’t even remember having that verse near my sink. I wrote it down for one of my Bible studies eight years ago.

Real Encouragement to
Keep Your Eyes on Jesus

Actually, I needed this encouragement because the past two days I’ve been living in a pity party of jealousy. All day long, I would say . .

“I know this is wrong. My thoughts kept going back to jealousy or trying to fix someone else. I’m thankful others pray for me because I can’t quite pray right now.”

Then, I told the enemy to leave me alone, in the name of Jesus Christ. Whether the enemy is Satan, demons, or my flesh, it doesn’t matter to me. The enemy is relentless when we keep our eyes on Jesus. He continues to attack my thoughts.

But, I have the greatest defense. I ask God to put on my helmet of salvation to protect my mind. Sure, some days  are worse than others. God is greater.

And as I write this,  the song, “Greater” starts playing.

Greater is the One living inside of me than than he who is living in the world.

There’ll be days I lose the battle.
Grace says that it doesn’t matter

‘Cause the cross already won the war.
He’s Greater, He’s Greater

Praise God! He is greater! He is the victor!

Since He is always the victor, I will keep my eyes on Him. Keep my eyes on Jesus!

Where is your focus today?
Are you praying daily to keep your focus on Jesus?

I believe the simple act of declaring God’s Word, His Truth, back to Him keeps me focused on Jesus. As I ask God to put on my helmet of salvation each morning …

I protect my mind from the enemy attacks.
I focus my mind above, not on the earth.
I keep my mind on Jesus.

To help you focus on Jesus, why not memorize Hebrews 12:1-2 as a family in this month? Every time you work on memorizing, pray these verses to God. Declare His Words to Him. His Words are powerful!

Free Bible Verse Printable to
Keep Your Eyes on Jesus

Keep your eyes on Jesus - Free Bible Verse Printable

Grab a copy of our free verse printable by entering your name & email below. Print a copy for each person in your home and start memorizing.  By the end of the month, you should have these verses memorized … and start a habit of praying them to start each day.

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    1. You’re so welcome. Thank you for your enthusiastic comment. Praying you are able to keep your eyes on Jesus.

  1. Yes…think God is always trying to tell us as Christians in this busy chaotic troublesome world….KEEP YOUR EYES ON JESUS….like the hymn goes…turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full into His wonderful face and the things of this earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace 🙂 L

    1. I had not even thought about that hymn. I love it!
      My son told me if we just kept our eyes on Jesus, all would be ok. He’s 26 so it wasn’t from a 6yo. LOL

  2. 4x!!! That’s is eye opening. Thank you Jesus!
    Thank you so much for sharing, we can all use a fresh dose of focusing on Jesus and lessening the loose mind. 2Corinth. 10:3-5…Take captive every thought is another one I attempt to do, even though some of those on repeat get away from me!
    Thanks again Kerry!

    1. Janae,
      You’re welcome. 2 Cor 10 is another verse I pray daily for my family & myself, along with Philippians 4 (think on these things) and Colossians 3 (set your mind above, not on this earth). The means by which I can do this is Ephesians 4:23 … let the Spirit renew your thoughts & attitudes. I appreciate your kind comments.

  3. I love this! Thank you for reminding us that if we keep our eyes on Jesus we can get through it. He will be right there with us. I’ll try to remember that as I stress out over all the homeschool planning I have ahead of me, and three kids who are bored and don’t want me to be sitting and planning all day, but playing and setting up summer activities or something for them.

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