After receiving a galley proof copy, I quickly consumed a new book by Jon Acuff – Start: Punch Fear in the Face, Escape Average and Do Work that Matters.

There were several concepts that struck me about the book, but the one that keeps coming back is this.
The only thing you can control is the starting line.
You can’t control the finish line or what goes on between start & finish, but you can control whether or not you take action … and get going on your project or dream.
By starting, you’ll move from “average” to “awesome” and Jon shows you how in the Start Book.
One thing I truly appreciate about Jon’s book is his honesty. I’ve read many other motivation & self-help books. They tell you “if you can dream it, you can achieve it”. This might be true, but they forget to mention you must work in between dreaming & achieving.
After coaching many people who want to start a business, be a better mom or fulfill a dream, I agree the first step is getting started.
Taking action is essential.
Work is necessary.
You must start and that’s the number one thing you can control.
Move from average to awesome. Start today.
- Start being a better homeschool mom
- Start a side business
- Start a home project
- Whatever it is you want to do…Just Start
Jon’s examples are honest & down-to-earth. Sometimes they go against the self-help propaganda out there…and I appreciate that. His examples cover a wide range of topics: business, marriage, parenting, life-growing, spiritual.
Jon Acuff knows there are surprises along the way.
He discusses your little voice inside. What is that little voice saying to you? Maybe they are fears. Maybe they are lies. Maybe they stop you. We all have a little voice that tells us we can’t do it.
Ever have a hard time focusing? That little voice doesn’t want you to focus.
Not only do adults need to get past that little voice & overcome their fears. As homeschoolers, we need to teach our teens to overcome their fears and listen to God’s voice, the Holy Spirit. Those fears keep us stuck.
When you get unstuck, you are unstoppable!
The progression Jon takes as he describes getting to the finish line is a good foundation for teens. He explains what you should be doing in your 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s and 60’s. Wouldn’t you have liked having a game plan before you graduated from high school or college?

For these reasons, I’m hosting an online book club to discuss this book.
A book club for homeschoolers, teens, moms, dads, singles, married, business people, dreamers.
Anyone can get unstuck & our online book club can help you get unstuck & be unstoppable.
We’ll discuss one chapter each week. I’ll post 2-3 questions here on the blog. I haven’t written the questions yet, but my plan is to include an overall Christian perspective. I also plan to have a question each week for your teens to discuss.
Even if you don’t want to be in our book club, please take a moment and look at Start: Punch Fear in the Face, Escape Average and Do Work that Matters by clicking here. You can get the 1st chapter for free at that link.
Be sure to watch both videos!
A 1 minute video about his NYC book launch with a mom sharing how she will apply this book to her life.
A 2 minute video with a fantastic overview of how to go from average to AWESOME.
This book is for everyone…
Grab a copy while you’re there. It’s on sale here. (Amazon has the best price & Amazon Prime members get free shipping)
PS. If you are unsure about investing in Start, grab the first chapter for free by clicking here.
PPS. I know anyone can be changed by applying concepts in this book, so I’m giving away 2 copies. Enter to win below.
Question: Will you join us for our online book club?
What questions would you like us to cover in our online book club?
You can leave a comment by clicking here.

Hey Kerry!
Stopping by your blog to see your review after you commented on mine. 🙂 Great recap, and cool that you’re doing a giveaway. I think I’m going to send some readers your way to enter. And, what an awesome blog! I’m a former teacher and I left teaching for many reasons, wishing for more creativity and less politics. Homeschooling is definitely something I’d love to consider.
Great to meet you virtually!
Thanks for stopping by. I was also a public school teacher & understand your frustration with the system. I thought I’d never homeschool, but it ended up being a huge blessing to our family.
Thanks for sending people over her to sign up for our giveaway. Appreciate it!
I’m currently reading this book and am loving it! I’m glad Angela shared your blog with me. We’ve been considering homeschooling our special needs daughter and actually decided LAST night to go for it. So, finding this blog seems like confirmation that we’re doing the right thing. I look forward to exploring your blog! 🙂
I’m so glad we connected. I think you’ll enjoy this book.
I want to give you a heads-up that we are hosting a free online workshop about homeschooling special needs children. Dr. Linda Silbert will be our guest on Tu, May 14. Please let me know if you have any questions you’d like her to cover. Registration for the workshop will start next week. If you sign up for our free ebook on homeschooling, we’ll email you when registration begins. The ebook is available on our home page: http://HowToHomeschoolMyChild.com
My first impression of the book is that it is exactly what I need. I am constantly struggling with fear in relation to moving forward with my home business. I think this book would be a great help and encouragement. Thank you for offering the chance to win!
This book is so encouraging and has some exercises in the back to help you overcome your fears. We’ll be discussing some of them with our online book club. Hope you can jon us.
Can’t wait to read this book. It sounds awesome!
Amy…I tried to visit your blog, but the link you left isn’t working
I will definitely check out this book – for my sons and myself! Thanks for the opportunity!
I’m excited to see how teens like this book. Please let me know if your sons read it.
Sometimes I don’t know how to really get started. Sounds like I would really enjoy this book. I would definitely be interested in participating in an online book club.
We will post the details to the online book club here on the blog and send it to our email subscribers. If you don’t get our emails, there’s a box in the upper right corner to get updates. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on Jon’s book
Yes, I would be interested in the online book club. Still trying to get the first chapter.
Thanks for letting me know about the 1st chapter. I had someone a few days ago that had problems getting it. Here’s support page that Jon’s team sent me: http://www.daveramsey.com/store/cddfaq.html If you still can’t get it, PLEASE let me know ASAP.
This does look like an interesting book. Going to download the first chapter to review.
I’d love to hear your thoughts after reading the 1st chapter.
I struggled with fear when I first started home schooling and would love to read this book. I would like to participate in an online book club. Sounds fun.
I’ll be posting details about the book shortly. Check back…or sign up for blog updates in the upper right corner. We’ll email you whenever we have a new blog post
Homeschooling (& parenting for that matter) can definitely be scary. As I told others…We will post the details to the online book club here on the blog and send it to our email subscribers. If you don’t get our emails, there’s a box in the upper right corner to get updates. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on Jon’s book
I might be ready to punch fear in the face …. and try a book club for the first time!
I hope you’ll be patient b/c this will be my first time to host a book club. Would love for you to join us. Here’s what I told others: We will post the details to the online book club here on the blog and send it to our email subscribers. If you don’t get our emails, there’s a box in the upper right corner to get updates. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on Jon’s book
First impression: This book is “kick butt”!! Definitely what is needed!
Love your up-front response…thanks!
I enjoy reading books that encourage me along life’s journey and this one sounds like it fits the bill. 🙂 An online book club sounds fun, I’d be interested.
I love to read encouraging books, also. Actually I devour them. We’d love for you to be part of the online book club. Here’s what I told others interested in the club…
We will post the details to the online book club here on the blog and send it to our email subscribers. If you don’t get our emails, there’s a box in the upper right corner to get updates. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on Jon’s book
Wonderful! If I don’t win, I will order via Amazon using Prime…I LOVE Prime! 🙂
Just read your email and came to your site to enter your contest. The book sounds great. Just started homeschooling my almost 12 year old granddaughter. Am looking forward to reading the first chapter and seeing how the do a double punch for my granddaugher and myself. Thanks for the opportunity of winning a free book.
So glad you entered our contest. And CONGRATS on homeschooling your 12yo granddaughter. Please let me know what you think of the 1st chapter of the book. I’d love to hear your perspective.
I’d be interested in an online book club!
Hey Amy…here’s what I told others interested in our book club
We will post the details to the online book club here on the blog and send it to our email subscribers. If you don’t get our emails, there’s a box in the upper right corner to get updates. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on Jon’s book
First impression… I need this book. I have a lot of fear about a project I had planned to work on and it has stopped me cold. I could use some help…and a shove maybe.
Jon Acuff can definitely help you overcome fears. He addresses fears head-on. If nothing else, reading this book will be a gentle nudge.
I’m very interested in reading this book. I might participate in an online book club depending on the pace of the reading schedule.
We’ll be reading about 1 chapter each week, taking about 7-8 weeks to discuss it. Not too many pages each week.
This sounds great. We are a self-employed family and I am wanting to start up a new business for myself, but am nervous of doing so because I want it to be “perfect”. Thanks!
This book will be very encouraging to you. We’ve been self-employed since 1985. In 1999 I started another business with our kids. One thing I learned very quickly is “it will never be perfect”. I learned to accept: Good is Good Enough!
I would like to do the online book club. I think the book would be good for me.
I’ve shared this on many others’ comments…We will post the details to the online book club here on the blog and send it to our email subscribers. If you don’t get our emails, there’s a box in the upper right corner to get updates. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on Jon’s book
The book sounds inspiring. Something that will help me and my teens. The book club is a possibility if I have time. Thanks for the giveaway!
I’m hoping that this is a good time for a book club as many people slow down with homeschooling. Many of my friends that homeschool year round take a break right before summer. I would love to hear what your teens think of the book, if they read it.
I am intrigued so yes, I am interested in finding out more about the book club. I will give it some more thought when I read the free chapter about whether I will join or not. Thanks for the giveaway.
Please let me know what you think of the 1st chapter. Would love your feedback.
Here’s what I told others interested in the book club: We will post the details to the online book club here on the blog and send it to our email subscribers. If you don’t get our emails, there’s a box in the upper right corner to get updates. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on Jon’s book
I have 3 teens I am home schooling. This looks like a book I need!
If your teens read this book, please let me know their thoughts. I’m very interested in what teens reaction is.
I think it would really help those who don’t know what they want to do or are afraid of failure.
I think most of the time we are afraid to start because we will fail. You are so right
I’d enjoy an online book club. It is interesting to consider that in my muddle of trying to get more thinks done than I have time to do, a fresh Start, might be the answer.
Hope you can join us…I told others interested in the book club:
We will post the details to the online book club here on the blog and send it to our email subscribers. If you don’t get our emails, there’s a box in the upper right corner to get updates. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on Jon’s book
This looks like a good read for those of us who procrastinate or fail to implement the plans we make.
IT looks good I would like to read the whole thing so I can start !
Your comment made me laugh out loud. Hope this book is helpful.
I can’t wait to read the 1st chapter….sounds like something I NEEEEED to read 🙂
Looks like something I need to read – to get past my own fears
You are one of the most honest people I know. I’m sure you’ll relate to everything Jon says in his new book because is so honest about his fears & concerns.
This sounds like a book for our homeschool with two teens, a tween, and a toddler. 🙂 I’m interested in the book club if I can squeeze it in.
I know we are all busy. If it works for you, we’d love for you to join us. I’d love to hear feedback from your teens, if they read the book.
The book sounds very interesting. I’d consider the book club. When will it begin?
Hey there Connie,
I’ll be posting the questions each week, probably on Tuesdays. My plan is to start mid-May to allow everyone enough time to get a copy of the book. So the book club will go from mid-May through June
Hope I win!!!! I think it sound like it will just make you get started and stop making excuses!
You’re so right…quit making excuses
Looking forward to reading this book. I know God has been leading me to do something, but I keep resisting. Not sure why – I know His plan is always better than anything I can come up with! I keep coming across speaker, books, & articles like this that are prompting me to face my fears and inaction, so I guess it’s time to start listening and get going! Thanks for this opportunity! I’m interested in the book club, depending when you meet.
Lisa, I hope this book encourages you to really get started.
The book club will be here on the blog. Each week I’ll post questions and we’ll all discuss it when we have time during the week
This book looks really interesting. I’d love to participate in the book club.
We’d love for you to be part of the book club. Here’s what I told others interested in the book club: We will post the details to the online book club here on the blog and send it to our email subscribers. If you don’t get our emails, there’s a box in the upper right corner to get updates. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on Jon’s book
Hi Kerry,
This book looks like an answer to prayer for both myself and my teenage sons. It can be so hard to just get started! Look forward to reading this!
You’re so right…It’s hard to start, especially when you’re not excited about the project. Let me know what you & your teens think of the book. I’d appreciate your feedback
Am downloading the first chapter right now. Now, if I can just START reading it…
This could be very useful for my homeschooled teens. If I would win a copy, I’d give it my homeschooled adult son. Thanks for the chance!
You’re so welcome. I’d love to hear what your teens think of this book.
I love Jon Acuff. If I don’t win a copy, I plan on buying one. 🙂
I’m with you…I love Jon Acuff…so down to earth, applicable & honest
excited for this book. hope i win one. would love my hubby to read it too. i already asked the library to get one, just waiting for it to come. hopefully it will be on waiting for me on the book mobile in two weeks!
Great idea to ask your library to get a copy. I’ve read several parts to my hubby who is enjoying it
I would love to be part of the online book Club. I also can’t wait to read this book!
Can’t wait to read this book!!
Great! I just posted an update to our giveaway (more books) & our online book club.
Would live to win a copy!
Hi Kerry,
I would LOVE to be part of the online book Club. Downloading the first chapter now and can’t wait to read this book!
Hey Geanna…what a surprise. Maybe Brooke will join us too.