I’m a Grandma . . .

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On the first day of  October, I got a text from Jesse (son-in-law) saying they were at the hospital & he’d let me know if they were staying.  Our tile man was coming in a few minutes to measure our kitchen.  As the tile man walked in the door, Jesse texted saying they were admitted to a labor & delivery room. So, the day I’ve been waiting for was finally here.

We quickly visited with our tile man & threw some clothes in a suitcase. I already had a bag packed with camera, handwork & magazines. Steve & I were off to the Austin hospital.

When we arrived, Ashley was calm & waiting patiently.  We stayed in the room for 3 more hours, until the nurse said it’s time.  Gentry had just arrived from Dallas, so the three of us moved to the waiting room…and waited.  Jesse’s family arrived shortly after that.

An hour later, we heard baby Brahms played over the loud speaker. Steve & I looked at each other, thinking that is our new grandbaby.

Jesse texted Steve, “It’s an Aggie”.
Next text, “It’s a girl”.

I couldn’t believe we had a granddaughter.  Ashley carried her baby so low, I thought she was having a boy.

Life is great.  Eventually, the grandparents were able to go in the room. Then, aunts & great-grandparents arrived.  (Notice the top left pic has 4 generations)

It was a joyous evening & it’s still sinking in that my daughter has a baby of her own.  Wow!  God is gracious!

We spent the night at a nearby hotel & returned on Thursday.  She is a sweet little one that slept most of the morning, as everyone took turns holding her.

Jesse & Ashley are back home, with family visiting on Saturday. I can’t wait to hold my grandbaby again!

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  1. CONGRATULAIONS!!i read your blog regularly as a grandmother & you will be learning the truth of what others as, “being a grandmother is the BEST!”
    Welcome to the club!!
    God’s richest blessings!!

  2. Congratulations! I know you must be on whatever cloud is above cloud nine.

    I’m a long way from being a grandmother (even though all of our children are grown now)…but I think it will be an exciting adventure once I do get there. 🙂

    You have a beautiful family. Best wishes to all of you. Babies are such wonderful blessings. 🙂

    1. Thanks Suzanne. It’s sometimes unbelievable to think how our family is growing. But, I’m enjoying every minute of it

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