I Thank God

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When I first started this post, I had a list of praise & thanks from 2017.  Much of it focused on God’s work in my family.  As I was walking one morning, God told me to focus on just a few of those items today.

Give thanks

I thank God  . . .

. . . that Jesus blood is always greater than my sin!

I grew up in a Christian home & believed Jesus died for my sin at a young age. For over 50  years I’ve “known” Jesus blood cleanses my sin. But this past year I “experienced” the power of Jesus blood. In times of grief & trials, I  have reacted in anger & bitterness.  I’ve done foolish things & said hurtful words that I wish I could take back.  But I can’t.

What I can do is fall on Jesus. Fall on Jesus blood knowing that no sin is too big for Jesus’ blood.  As I write it seems so simple. It’s hard to put into words what my heart experiences. My heart is overwhelmed by Jesus blood for the first time in my life. I am thankful that God continues to mold my heart, even though I’m 58 years old.

I thank God . . .

. . . that God’s love is unfailing, steadfast & enduring!

Growing up in Sunday School, I often heard that Jesus loves me. When I was Children’s Director, I looked down on curriculum that only taught God’s love.  I thought we should be teaching deeper concepts. “God is love” was too simple. After this year, I realized God’s love is foundational to my relationships. Without God’s love, I would not be saved.  I would not be able to love others.

We love because He first loved us. I John 4:19

I’ve always struggled with pride.  Deep down inside, I thought “of course God loves me”.  In a small way I thought I deserved God’s love because I followed Him. I was a pretty good person. I reached out & sacrificed for others.

Yeah, I was a sinner but my sins weren’t that bad. Actually, I was a Pharisee, thinking my sin wasn’t too bad because I was not a murderer, an adulterer, or swindler.  What I realized this year is my pride is one of the worst sins there is.  It’s one of the 7 things God hates.  In fact, pride is the first one on God’s list.

These six things the Lord hates, seven are an abomination to Him: A proud look  Proverbs 6:16-17

So, God humbled me this past year.  He brought me to my knees through trials & grief.

What’s the result?

A deeper relationship with God because He LOVES me.  Intimacy with God that I wouldn’t trade for anything. I’d trade those trials, but not the intimacy I have with my Father who loves me dearly.

He loves me even when I am proud. Even when I say hurtful things. Even when I am bitter & angry. He loves me and I will never take that for granted again. I am thankful God loves me.

Question: What do you thank God for this year?
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