Homeschool Super Heroes 2014

“Discover the Insider Secrets from 14 of the

World’s Top Homeschool Super Heroes

Who will Share Real, Usable, Practical Tips

For this Coming Year!”


Kerry Beck


Date: August 4, 2014
From the desk of: Kerry Beck

How To Homeschool My Child, Founder
“Helping parents raise children to the glory of God”


Dear Homeschooling Parent,

I love the start of a new school year. New school supplies, New curricula, New shoes!

Are you ready for this year?

Whether you are a new homeschooling parent or a veteran, we can all be encouraged from those who have gone before us. Those who made mistakes and corrected them. Those whose heart is for homeschoolers to be successful. And those who desire to see your children grow into young men and women of God.

Homeschool Super Heroes Will Soon Reveal Their Best Kept Secrets

We’ve brought together the Super Heroes of the Homeschooling Community; so, you can achieve the success at home you deserve. Learn from their expertise and experience on how to provide the best education for your children this year, while still cleaning, cooking and chauffeuring.

Discover some of the mistakes they made along the way so you can AVOID doing the same thing! How cool is that?

Whether your children are just beginning their school experience or almost ready to fly the coup, you CANNOT afford to miss this unique opportunity to learn from the best. Never before have so many experts been assembled at one time for just one purpose …showing you PRACTICAL TIPS that really work in today’s home.

You may look at our Super Heroes and wonder to yourself, “I haven’t heard of these guys before.” That’s because many of them are in the trenches homeschooling. They make it work on a daily basis. Or, they are helping homeschool parents raise their children to be Godly leaders of the future who will impact our society for God.

Our Homeschool Super Heroes were not chosen because of their credentials (although there are plenty of credentials in the list below). They were chosen because they will share “real life” way to make your homeschool year the BEST ever.



Heather McMillan and her husband Elton have four delightful children ages 15-22, yes, they were all teen-agers at once! They are family pastors at their home church in Oregon and enjoy traveling internationally to train children’s pastors. Heather also owns We Choose Virtues, developing tools to help parents and teachers Simply Inspire Character that Lasts. After a life threatening battle, she was miraculously healed of cancer this past year and loves to speak about having a deep, vulnerable trust in God through the journey of life.

Heather will share:

  • ŸTeaching your child God’s virtues and character
  • ŸGuiding your child to instill virtues in them
  • Trusting the Lord in everything




Israel Wayne is a homeschooled graduate who has a passion for defending the Christian faith and developing a Biblical worldview. He is the author of the book Homeschooling from a Biblical Worldview. Israel has been a regular columnist for Home School Digest and Brush Arbor Quarterly. Israel is a popular conference speaker, and a frequent guest on national radio programs discussing home education and cultural issues from a Biblical perspective.

Israel’s family began home educating in 1978 and has been featured in national and international publications. Israel and his wife Brook were joined in marriage without dating and share their testimony of God’s faithfulness on an audiobook titled, What God Has Joined Together. Israel and Brook, also a homeschool graduate, are home educating their eight young children, and Brook is a regular columnist for An Encouraging Word magazine.

Israel’s desires to see God’s people learn to think and live Biblically. Aiming for both the head and the heart, Israel’s goal is to challenge audiences to take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ.

Israel will share:

  • ŸHow to shape your child’s worldview
  • Staying focused and avoiding burn-out in homeschooling
  • Asking the right questions, the right way



Jeannie Fulbright is a homeschooling mother of four and the author of Apologia’s Young Explorer series: Exploring Creation. Those titles include Astronomy, Botany, Zoology 1, 2 and 3, Anatomy and Physiology, and the new Chemistry and Physics for elementary through middle school students.

After graduating from UT-Austin, she married her husband, Jeff, who is an attorney. They live in Metro Atlanta with three of their four children. Jeannie’s children range in age from 13 to 20. Her oldest graduated from homeschooling in 2011 and was accepted on scholarship to the University of Georgia where she is on the Dean’s List.

It’s her love for God’s Word, her family, homeschooling, and other believers that inspires her to continue writing and speaking. She has a heart to encourage homeschoolers everywhere. Not only does Jeannie continue to create curriculum, she also writes a monthly newsletter, a weekly blog and is very active on social media. She can be found on Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter, sharing homeschooling ideas and inspiration.

Jeannie will share:

  • How to teach your children science
  • Instilling success in your child
  • How to spend time in prayer while raising multiple children



Leslie Nunnery is the co-founder of Teach Them Diligently Convention. She is the mother of four children who range in age from 7-14. She and David have declared every stage of childhood to be their favorite as their kids have been growing up, and she looks forward to what the Lord has in store as they have another one entering their teen years in the fall.

Leslie will share about:

  • Changing the world by getting our children involved in missions
  • Shepherding our children’s hearts and truly discipling them
  • Balancing God, life, homeschool, and work



Lori Verstegen, an IEW Accomplished Instructor, is the author of many of IEW’s theme-based lessons, including all of the history-based lessons. She also wrote the Student Resource Notebook, Dress-Ups, Decorations, & Delightful Diversions, and Teaching with Games.

Lori homeschooled her four boys for 24 years. Since 1996 she has been giving IEW instruction to hundreds of other children and their parents. Lori lives in San Juan Capistrano, CA, with her husband, John, who pastors a small Bible church.

Lori will share:

  • How to reach your reluctant writers
  • Dressing-up your child’s writing
  • Making learning fun and more memorable through games


Woody’s personal mission is to live “a real life with a real relationship with a real God.” A first generation homeschool graduate, Woody is passionate about reaching the next generation of culture shapers. If you hang around Woody, you’re sure to hear words like, “live life to the fullest,”“purposeful living,” or “world-changer” and he’s helped young adults successfully navigate life-decisions for years.

An entrepreneur and visionary, Woody has been a principle player in several start-up companies. In 2004, he co-founded CollegePlus and earned his accredited BSBA in General Management in 18 months for under $10k! A frequent motivational speaker at conferences nationwide, his information-packed sessions are innovative and inspiring. As a member of the CollegePlus team, Woody lives in San Antonio, TX with his wife Gina—the girl of his dreams!

Woody will share:

  • How to successfully homeschool in the 21st century
  • ŸHow to prepare your teens for adult life
  • ŸHow to get a college degree for less than $10K



Dennis Gundersen is the president and owner of Grace and Truth Books, a Christian publisher of more than 60 books, mostly reprinted 19th century children’s stories with a character building emphasis.

Dennis has served as Senior Pastor for 26 years at three Oklahoma churches since 1984 and is currently devoting his time to writing, publishing and conference speaking. He is the author of two books: “Your Child’s Profession of Faith” and “Courtship or Dating: So What’s the Difference” and is a frequent speaker at church conferences, men’s retreats and home education conventions.

He is also an Adjunct Professor of Theology at the Tlapaneco Bible Institute, in Guerrero, Mexico. He and his wife Naomi have been married since 1976, and have four sons. For relaxation, Dennis is also an avid mountain climber, cyclist, and photographer.

Dennis will share:

  • Dad’s role in family worship
  • How to raise kids in the fear of the Lord
  • How to use older books to teach character
  • Dad’s special mission with their sons



Joyce Herzog is a gifted teacher and author of many educational products that simplify teaching for you and learning for your students. Joyce taught classrooms of learning disabled students in private and public schools for many years and has been working with homeschooling families for two decades. She has addressed rapt audiences of appreciative parents and teachers all across the United States and Canada.

Joyce continues to reach the world through her writing, tutoring in her local area and long-distance email and telephone consultations. Her unique philosophy to learning enables learners of all ages and abilities to progress. Homeschoolers have found that Joyce’s methods fit well with most other approaches. Her philosophy and materials also serve those with special needs. Joyce Herzog’s products are designed to be used by those who care about a unique and appropriate education concentrating on each individual’s talents.

Joyce will share:

  • Reaching reluctant learners
  • Helping children who are scared of reading or struggling through learning how to read
  • Making learning hands-on and fun



James H. (Jim) Pence is a performance chalk artist, a singer, a speaker, a published author, and in his “spare time” he teaches karate, writing, and art to home schooled children. Jim has been drawing, painting, and singing since he was a child, and has been doing performance chalk artistry in churches, camps, and conferences for over thirty years. Jim has been called a “Renaissance man”, but he prefers to be known simply as a follower of Jesus Christ and a storyteller. Jim works with See the Light.

Jim will share:

  • Teaching art to children of multiple ages
  • Essential art supplies to have on hand
  • Reaching your creative child



Nancy Fileccia is a fourteen-year homeschooling veteran and co-owner of A Journey Through Learning lapbooks with her best friend, Paula Winget. They create fun, hands-on learning products for homeschooling families. Nancy loves helping parents with their journey of international adoption. Nancy and her husband, Rusty, make their home in Shreveport, Louisiana, with their three children.

Nancy will share:

  • Inspiring children to express their knowledge in creative ways
  • Creating easy to use lapbooks
  • Impacting your children for a greater future

Michelle is a veteran homeschooler and the founder/operator of a large library used by area homeschooled youth. TruthQuest History was born from her own yearning to teach deep truth through history to her children, and from her work with the many families who learn through her library. Michelle and her husband, John, have four children: two adult sons and two youngsters still at home in Michigan; they also have four cute grandsons!

Michelle will help you:

  • Discover how to consolidate all subjects to make planning easier
  • Learn how to become the best teacher to your children
  • See what history really is




Kerry BeckKerry has been encouraging homeschool parents for the past 10 years, as she and her family traveled to book shows. She loves to encourage young moms to follow God’s leading as they raise their children to godliness. Kerry also likes teaching moms and teachers the best strategies to teach “how to write.” Having started How to Homeschool My Child (previously Curriculum Connection) with her elementary aged kids, she enjoys helping families involve their children in a family business. Kerry has been featured in the Ultimate Homeschool Expo & Homeschooling Today.

Kerry and Stephen have three children and one son-in-law. Her daughters, Ashley and Gentry, are interviewing our Homeschool Super Heroes.

Kerry will share:

  • Why families should disciple their own kids
  • How parents can interact with their kids spiritually
  • What place Sunday School & Youth Group have with your children
  • How to find time for family worship & discipleship
In the wrap-up, Kerry will discuss:
  • How to choose the right activities for your family
  • How to schedule your time
  • How to reduce the number of activities for your kids
  • How moms can feel refreshed each week & ready to homeschool



Homeschool Super Heroes 2012 Hunter Beck - Marshmallow Gun BusinessHunter Beck homeschooled for 10 years. This summer he worked at Sky Ranch as a counselor. for 7-8 year olds. The day after he finished working at camp, he flew to Colorado to help his high school basketball coach build a log cabin. What a perfect mentoring situation!

Hunter attends the Mays Business School at Texas A&M University, studying marketing. He started his marshmallow gun company at the age of 10 and began making about $1000 each summer.

Hunter will share:

  • How he started his business
  • How young people can start their own business
  • Ways to avoid the mistakes he made along the way


Homeschool Super Heroes - Stephen Beck - Father's Stew

Stephen Beck is a popular speaker and author at homeschool conferences and bookfairs around the country. Lately, his topics on family entrepreneurship have created quite a buzz in the homeschool and Christian community alike.

Drawing upon his experiences of raising three children, owning a construction company for the past 18 years, starting a family-run homeschool curriculum store and discipling young men in the Church, Stephen Beck gives a unique layman’s perspective to the challenges of integrating the three areas that so greatly impact our lives.

His passions are discipling his three children and leading younger believers to maturity in Christ, which he combines with his other passion of duck hunting whenever he can!

Stephen will share:

  • How Dads can blend family, work & ministry to the glory of God
  • How to use God’s rules & house rules as you raise your kids
  • How & Why you can teach your kids entrepreneurial skills
  • How to involve your kids in your ministry
  • Role of Dads in homeschooling


“I Love The Focus On Meeting The Individual Needs Of Each Child!”Click on the button below to hear what Heather says about The Homeschool Super Heroes Package!
~Heather, College Station
Thank you for all of your heart, time & energy you’ve invested to help all of us who at one time or another feel like we are “going it alone”! I thank the Lord for people like you who have gone before us and are helping us along our way!!I am a pastor’s wife and home school mom of 2….with 2 years to go ’till high school graduation. We’ve been homeschooling since kindergarten…and I still want/need encouragement & an occasional “shot in the arm” – a boost to keep the momentum going! Thank you for offering it! Bless you, dear sister!~Kelly

Three things you should know about these interviews:

1. They are interviews…not prepared presentations.

You get a fresh, spontaneous response from each of our Super Heroes. We ask questions that you may want to ask, but aren’t able to do so. You’ll really learn down to earth ways to homeschool that really work when you are trying to balance homeschooling, family, hubby, activities, your home, cooking (seems they always want to eat 3 meals a day, right?)

2. We know you are super-busy, so we have kept interviews to 20-40 minutes long.

You don’t have to wade through a lot of rambling. We get straight to the point and share how you can make this school year the best ever.

3. Our interviews are conducted by my daughter, Ashley Ortega. Ashley is a homeschool graduates and offers a unique perspective as she gets each of our Super Heroes to open up and share “real life” ways to improve your homeschool this year.



You’ll Discover Practical Tips That
Any & All Homeschoolers Can
Use This Year

They REALLY Work!


These speakers are the best of the best in the business. So, all you need to do is register below, and we’ll send you the date and times when our Homeschool Super Heroes will be speaking and then you can just hop on your computer and listen in.

We’ll be running these interviews August 18 – August 29, so you can get off on the right foot this school year. That’s right, no middle seat airline travel, no overpriced hotel rooms, no car rental and late nights away from home. That’s right, you never have to leave the comfort and privacy of your own home or office. Just sit back and relax in your favorite easy chair and absorb these homeschooling strategies.

Once you sign up, you’ll have the access to each interview on the day we play that interview. Just log in and listen as each speaker reveals their most sacred homeschooling secrets. It’s that easy.

First, let me just say that if I was to gather all these Homeschool Super Heroes into one conference center for 3 days of non-stop training, it would cost…well let’s just say a small fortune. Some of these guys charge a lot for just an hour of consulting. If we put all these speakers in a two day seminar you’d pay big bucks, but you can have the same experience without leaving your home. You won’t have to pay for hotels, flights, food, seminar fees or anything like that. It’s not going to cost you anywhere near that.

So what’s the cost?

It is FREE to listen to our daily interviews the last 2 weeks of August – Just register at the top of this page.

If you want copies of the Recordings, Mini-Books(transcripts) & Cheat Sheets, grab your copy right now and save $30.

10% of Homeschool Super Hero sales will be donated to Compassion.
We will use the money to support at least one child on a monthly basis throughout the year.
Hopefully, we can sponsor more than one child with your support.

Sponsor a Child in Jesus Name with Compassion

Get Access to 14 Audio MP3 Files
14 Mini Books &
14 “Cheat Sheets”

Several Hours of Christian Homeschooling Techniques & Strategies for Only $57

Pre-Homeschool Super Heroes Week Sale $10

(until interviews begin on Monday, August 27, 2014)

Add to Cart


I just wish that I had access to this information when I first started homeschooling back in 1998. Today, you don’t have to big bucks for it. And you don’t have to fly to seminar to get it. You just need to register for this FREE telesummit by clicking here. It’s really that simple.

To your homeschooling success,

How to Homeschool my Child

PS. In case you miss an interview or want to listen again, the recordings, mini books & cheat sheets are available at the lowest price this week. Click the box above to grab all of them.

PPS. Here’s what homeschoolers said about our Original 2010 Homeschool Super Heroes….

I had the opportunity to listen to your wrap up today and it was so enlightening and again, inspired me. I have been doing nearly everything you covered in your segment! Thank you so much for making yourself available and for sharing the wonderful information and experience you have. You have a calming way about you! I hope you will continue your mission and that is, truly helping others.

I enjoyed the superheroes so very much. Each person helped me in some way. Ashley did a great job conducting the interviews. She asked the correct questions and things just started flowing! I feel more confident, though there remains some nervousness just beginning this homeschool journey coming up on Tuesday. I left the interviews feeling that I had more knowledge necessary to educate my child.

God Bless You, I hope to hear from you again,



I have really enjoyed the interviews! I have been looking for someone who has been before me and could give sound, Biblical advice and encouragement. I have found it! Thank you so much for putting together these interviews for us. They have truly been a blessing and I have passed them on to other moms I know.

Florine B.


Thank you for putting on this mini-conference. I have really loved hearing Lee Binz, Jim Weiss & Andrew Pudewa. Lee’s talk has given me a lot to ruminate on.

Thank you,



Thank you for being concerned and taking time to email me to clear things up. I enjoyed the homeschool superheroes and I appreciate what you’ve done to provide this for us homeschool moms!!

Have a great night!
