Listen to Leslie Nunnery

Leslie Nunnery is the co-founder of Teach Them Diligently Convention along with her husband David. She is the homeschool mother of four children who range in age from 11-18. God has given her a strong burden to minister to Christian families to help support, encourage and equip them to disciple their children, protect their marriages, and serve God in the ways He has planned for them.

She is an advocate of home education with a strong focus on discipleship which is evidenced in her writings and the events her family produces. She is also heavily involved in mission endeavors through Worldwide Tentmakers, for which her husband serves as a president and Teach Them Diligently supports.

Leslie will share about:

  • Changing the world by getting our children involved in missions
  • Shepherding our children’s hearts and truly discipling them
  • Balancing God, life, homeschool, and work

“Changing the World Through Discipleship & Balancing Life”
Leslie’s Interview airs on Thursday, September 1
7-11pm EDT / 6-10pm CDT / 5-9pm MDT / 4-8pm PDT

While you are waiting, enter our Blog GiveawayEnter a comment on the giveaway page about Homeschool Super Heroes Week!

Leslie’s interview has ended. If you would like to hear Leslie’s talk, you can get all the recordings in the yellow box below.

Register for Teach Them Diligently by clicking here

Read what our listeners had to say about Homeschool Super Hero’s talks.

I had the opportunity to listen to your wrap up today and it was so enlightening and again, inspired me. I have been doing nearly everything you covered in your segment! Thank you so much for making yourself available and for sharing the wonderful information and experience you have.

You have a calming way about you! I hope you will continue your mission and that is, truly helping others. I enjoyed the superheroes so very much. Each person helped me in some way. Ashley did a great job conducting the interviews. She asked the correct questions and things just started flowing!

I feel more confident, though there remains some nervousness just beginning this homeschool journey coming up on Tuesday. I left the interviews feeling that I had more knowledge necessary to educate my child. God Bless You, I hope to hear from you again, Deb

10% of Homeschool Super Hero sales will be donated to Compassion.
We will use the money to support at least one child on a monthly basis throughout the year.
Hopefully, we can sponsor more than one child with your support.
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Next Interview will Start:
, August 30 at 7pm EDT

Disclaimer: The views of each speaker may not agree with the hosts or Christian Parenting Association.

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