How to Teach Kids to Write {FREE Workshop}

Free Life Skills Leadership Summit

Since you’ve been reading my blog, you’re invited to a writers workshop about how to teach kids to write.

Are you unsure how to teach kids to write?
Wondering if you’ll teach writing correctly?
Not sure how much writing your kids should be doing at different ages?
How can you help your your kids write well?

That’s exactly what I will be covering in next week’s FREE online workshop.

How do you teach writing skills to your kids? Great question. Watch our free workshop to get helpHelp! How Do I Teach Writing Skills?
{Online Workshop}

Tuesday, August 7, 2018
You choose which time:
3:00 pm – 4:00 pm EASTERN
9:00 pm – 10:00 pm EASTERN

If you answered yes to any of the above questions…or if you need to teach your kids how to write, mark your calendars for Tuesday, August 7th. You don’t want to miss it because I’ll be covering this:

• How to instill confidence in your children as they learn to write
How to teach writing skills so your kids enjoy writing
• How to determine YOUR role in teaching writing to your kids
How to integrate the writing process into notebooking
• How to give young children the tools for writing success
How to keep older students moving forward in their writing
• How to introduce kids to the writing process … at ALL ages
Specific ways to make writing FUN
• Techniques to help your children brainstorm before they start writing
Games & activities to build vocabulary in your children’s writing

You can grab your seat right here:

On this exciting free event, I’ll reveal tips & strategies to help you teach writing. I have so much information to share with you and wants to share ideas for BOTH elementary & secondary students – specific writing activities that you can take and use IMMEDIATELY after the workshop!

I’ll be sharing specific writing activities that will give you the confidence in how to teach kids to write. In fact, you can take and use them IMMEDIATELY after the workshop!

BUT, most importantly… I will reveal how you can be assured of YOUR role as you teach writing and how you can instill writing confidence in your kids. Isn’t that what they need? Confidence in writing skills!

I’m also giving away a copy of my “Teaching Writing” ebook. Enter to win below.

Still Unsure About Joining me?

In case you may be wondering why you should join me on my “Help! How Do I Teach Writing?” workshop Tuesday, let me assure you it is simply a complimentary class that you watch on your computer …. at no cost to you!

Your children deserve more, so take it a step further this year and give them the ability to have confidence in their writing, as you discover YOUR ROLE in teaching writing skills.

I have only 100 spots for this event. So it’s a SURE BET this workshop will FILL completely. Grab your spot by filling out the form above.

Don’t delay and kick yourself later.

Kerry Blog Signature



Question: What is your biggest struggle with teaching writing to your kids? You can leave a comment by clicking here.

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  1. I have problems with when it comes to writing structure so that my kids can understanding what it means what they are writing and why they are writing it. I am not good in this area at all.

    1. Lisa, I hope you can join us on the workshop. I have several ideas to help make writing “explainable”. I understand your issues because explaining what is going on in our head as we write can sometimes be difficult. Writing is thinking on paper, so I try to explain what I’m thinking inside my head. I’ll share more later. Thanks for letting me know where you struggle.

  2. I have never had my children write much over the years. We have copied and done small essays, but I see that it does not prepare them well for college.
    I would like to help them write with joy and be successful as an end goal.

    1. Malissa,
      What an awesome goal for your kids’ writing – joy & success. I’ll be sharing how to use copywork & narration, along with the writing process as your kids grow up. Hope you can join us.

  3. This will be a great learning time for me as I learn to teach my children to love to write. Sometimes I my littlest are overwhelmed with how much writing they must do. They simply overthink the assignments knowing they have to write several paragraphs, sentence structures, or stories instead of enjoying the creative process of writing. Thank you.

    1. Kari,
      Thanks for your honesty. I hope you can make it to the workshop because I will break down each of the steps in the writing process to help you teach and to help your kids not feel overwhelmed

    1. Please let me know any topics I missed that you’d like me to cover throughout the year. Thanks for your kind words

  4. You can encourage your child to write whatever they want on dry erase boards or chalkboards. In this way, they can re-write several times in the same place. This will help them in improving their writing skills.

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