How to Organize Recipes as a Homeschool Mom

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Do you have recipes in all sorts of places in hopes of being ready to cook for your family? Figuring out how to organize recipes can overwhelm you, especially as a homeschool mom.How to organize recipes with a kitchen binder

Homeschooling is tough enough, but add cooking three meals a day, and you can lose your mind trying to stay organize. So, I made a video sharing how to organize recipes and how I tried to stay on top of all the cooking a homeschool mom has to do.

It’s nothing fancy…in fact they are all very easy ways you can get your recipes organized.

I mention a recipe binder in the video. There are a variety of ones you might use to organize your recipes, but you can get my one-page menu planner when you grab our Easy Family Meal Ideas Recipe Book below.

Easy Family Meal Ideas Recipe Book for Homeschool Moms

If I were you . . .

I would choose 2 breakfast ideas, 2 lunch ideas and 2 dinner ideas you will use over the next week. They are all quick & easy to make. When you’re homeschooling, you need quick & easy meals.

As I mentioned in my earlier post about Easy Family Meal Ideas for Homeschoolers, I don’t like to make lunch. Never have. Never will. So, I made a list of lunches that did not include sandwiches.  I used that list many days to fix our kids’ lunch. It’s included in the recipe book. Grab it for free right here:

I’m working on a new Kitchen Binder for you to use to keep track of your favorite recipes.  You’ll be able to print out 10 recipe pages. Write out your family favorites and put them in a pretty binder. As I mentioned on the video, I made a Recipe Book of family favorites for Ashley and Gentry when they got married.  It’s an easy way to collect family recipes.

You will also be able to write down your go-to meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  You’ll have 7 breakfast ideas, 7 lunch ideas, 7 dinner ideas. That’s a huge help on a bad day. When you’ve had a horrible day, choose one of the meals on your “Go-To” List.

Homeschool Tie-In

I know it takes some time for you to write, so share the writing with your kids. Let them copy recipes for their Copywork. It’s a creative way to let them practice penmanship. They can each chose 3 of their favorite meals and copy those recipes.

Part 1: How to Start Homeschooling Right Each Year
Part 2: Homeschool for the Love of Learning
Part 3: Homeschooling High School is NOT that Scary

how to simplify your homeschool
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