How to Make Angel Biscuits {Monday Meals}

Free Life Skills Leadership Summit

Angel biscuits are one of our family favorites.  In fact, we’ll be making them for my dad & mom’s birthday brunch this Saturday.

How to make Angel Biscuits ~ recipe from

When Jesse joined our family (as our son-in-law), he told Ashley how much he loved my angel biscuits.

When we had friends over to watch the New England Patriots, they asked for my angel biscuit recipe.

So, here’s how to make angel biscuits – and re-use the unused dough the following week. Your kids will love these.

My tips & tricks to making angel biscuits:

  1. Use hot water on the yeast
  2. Roll out the biscuits about 2-3 hours before you plan to bake them. This allows time for them to rise & become light/fluffy
  3. Wait until guests arrive to put them in the oven. You want to serve them HOT out of the oven.
  4. Serve at any meal with butter, honey or jelly.
  5. Serve as a slider bun with Pioneer Woman’s sliders

What’s your family favorite recipe? You can leave a comment by clicking here.

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  1. Hi. I think you might have made a mistake with the ingredients. Shouldn’t half a cup salt be replaced with halfca cup sugar?

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