Let’s talk about personalizing lessons in your homeschool.
I think individualization is both a positive and a negative as you contemplate how to homeschool.
In a traditional school, all the students do the same thing as the rest of the class. Not much room for individualizing lessons and working on your kids’ strengths or helping in their weaknesses.
Find what interests them the most and tailor their lessons accordingly.
Gentry enjoyed history more than science. When she had a writing assignment, I would have her write about a history event since that interest her. On the other hand, Ashley & Hunter both liked animals. They tended to write about animals or another science topic.
Take advantage of their interests & passions when you can.
On the other hand, individualizing every lesson, every day can be a stumbling block. You will burnout when you create separate lessons for each & every child, for each & every lesson, each & every day.
Here’s one example of what worked for us.
As a family, we studied a historical time period together. We read aloud each morning and discussed that time period from a Biblical worldview.
- Who is God to that society?
- Who is man to that society?
To individualize our history lesson, each child read a book on their reading level. Sometimes I assigned a book and sometimes they chose their book.
I think it’s important that we give our kids opportunities that they can’t get at the traditional school. This includes letting them make some decisions about their schoolwork or readings. Give them the opportunity to make small decisions as a child and they will be able to make bigger decisions as adults. In the end, personalizing in this way will lead to good decisions makers as adult.
How do you personalize or individualize your homeschool lessons?

Thankfully we found curriculum that all of the kids enjoy! It’s one of the bigger stresses of homeschooling!
That’s fantastic. When your kids like what they are studying, they will learn the material much easier.
We were unschooled, as in subjects like history and art were very non-traditional, subjects like math and science we had study guides and when we got to 8th grade mom let us choose our curriculum.
I remember being at a home-school conference and sitting down with different books and looking through them until I found one that I understood the best. It made school much more enjoyable for me that way.
Because of how she taught us, I still love learning new things, mom made it a challenge for me.