How to Get More Organized in Your Homeschool

Free Life Skills Leadership Summit

If there’s one thing I’ve learned about homeschool moms, it’s there’s too much busyness and too much stress. If you could reduce your stress, be more consistent and more productive, life would be great. That’s why I’m sharing how to get more organized and spend more time with your family, doing the things you love.

7 tips on how to get more organized in your homeschool

In this video, I share my homeschool daily schedule to give you an idea of how our family stayed consistent. I’ll even let you in on some tips of planning easy family meal ideas. For some reason, my kids always wanted to eat three times a day, so meal planning became important if I wanted to have time doing fun things with my kids.

7 Tips on How to Get More Organized

  1. Start your day with God. I didn’t mention this on the video specifically, but this will always get you off to the best start. Before I get out of bed, I pray this prayer each morning, especially when I am weak.
  2. Write down your long-term and short-term goals for your homeschool. If you need help on how to make goals for your homeschool, check this out here.
  3. Using your goals, create your own Daily Homeschool Schedule. Be sure to put your top priority first activity of the day.
  4. Use a Weekly Meal Planner to get more organized with cooking for your family
  5. Use a timer, especially when working on your phone, tablet, or computer.
  6. Learn when to say “no”. You shouldn’t say “no” all the time, only when an invitation does not line up with your goals.
  7. Include flexibility in your schedule, so you can help others in need.
7 tips on how to get more organized in your homeschool

What’s your best tip on how to get more organized in your homeschool, your home, your family? Leave a comment below.

7 tips on how to get more organized in your homeschool

Be sure to grab a free copy of my Homeschool Schedule Ideas ebook below.

how to simplify your homeschool
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  1. I saw an interesting way to organize a weekly meal plan and remember what leftovers are in the fridge using a white board…that is my goal to put into place for this year.

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