How to Declutter with Kids

Free Life Skills Leadership Summit
I’m a decluttering failure! I took the challenge but my “scariest space” is not as clean as I wish. Is it because the Challenge didn’t give me the steps to declutter?
It’s me . . . I have not scheduled the time or prioritized time to finish decluttering. I got started last weekend and this morning I finished up.
How to declutter with kids video
If my kids were at home, I’d need to take my own advice on how to declutter with kids. Take a look at my video:

 How do you declutter with kids?

  1. Send them to Grandma & Grandpa’s!  Seriously, the grandparents will love time with their kids and our kids will have a blast.
  2.  Get your spouse on board. Divide and conquer. Take turns decluttering an area while the other one spends time with the kids
  3. Trade babysitting with a friend. Keep your friend’s kids while she declutters. Send your kids to her house for an afternoon while you declutter.

Be creative. You can do this!

And a follow up later in the day:

If your kids are older, get them involved. Have them watch the Decluttering Challenge (from the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle). Set aside a time for everyone to declutter a section of their bedroom. They may not be able to declutter the entire room, but they could declutter their bookshelf or their toy basket.

Did you see the Complete Chore Board you can use with your kids? It’s in the video above.
It has everything you need to teach your kids how to clean. Remember your kids weren’t born, knowing how to clean a toilet or vacuum a room. The printables in this pack give lists on how to do individual jobs. I love it! I wish I had it when I was teaching my kids how to clean house.
Get them involved in decluttering, too. To help inspire me, I read through Declutter Your House in a Weekend.

Why do I share this story?

How does this relate to is it worth it?

Sometimes it’s not the information or value of the resources I purchase. It’s me. I haven’t valued it enough to put it into practice. If you’re not going to use the Homemaking resources, please don’t buy it.

But for me, there are resources I’m already using because I’m excited about them. (more on that in a minute)

Here’s how I’m evaluating the Homemaking Bundle. I found 6 resources that I’ve already started using. They’re worth $66.94, which is way more than the cost of $29.97. So, it’s a win-win for me.

If I’m honest, I use the Cheat Sheets all the time to help me decide which resources are best for me in this season of life. Thank you Ultimate Bundles for the Cheat Sheets!!!

I don’t want to waste my time going through an ebook or course, only to find out it won’t help me. I’m sure you want to go straight to the items that help will help you and your family. Before I share these, let me be honest about a few items.

I won’t use everything in the bundle.
Should I still get it?

My friends know how much I love word art and have it all over our home. But “some” word art I found were not ones I would hang in my home. Sorry!

And there are lots of printables … lots of printable … that I won’t use. Just because something is a printable does not mean it has value for me.  If you look through the resources and find some printables you will use, then it’s well-worth your investment. If not, skip it. I don’t want you to spend money on items you won’t use.

I want to be honest & upfront with you. I won’t use everything in the bundle. But . . . I do use some of the items. But don’t just take it from me. Here’s what 2 moms had to say:

Honestly, what I love most about the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle is the plethora of options it gives me. I don’t always use a lot of the resources when I first get the bundle, but I come back to them throughout the year as needs come up. I love having a lot of reliable resources at hand when I have time or get inspired and want to do something new– and they’re all there waiting for me. ~ Amy J.

I’ve been a faithful Ultimate Homemaking Bundle purchaser for several years now. It is unbelievable the amount of education you get for such a reasonable price! Even if you only take a few of the classes and/or read a few of the ebooks, you can benefit greatly. I’ve discovered so many ideas and strategies to help my home and life run more smoothly. The 2018 Homemaking Bundle was my favorite one so far and I can’t wait to get my hands on the 2019 version!  ~ Stephanie M.

Ultimate Homemaking Bundle 2019

 Which resources am I already using?

I’ve been eyeing 80 Affirmations for Christian Families Printable  by Tara Ziegmont ($10.00) in my bundle for days. I kept coming back to it and I’m glad I did. These are printables I already printed. I can’t wait because the phrases are ones that encourage me and I plan to share with my family. I love it!

If I don’t use anything else, these printables & Jami’s Hospitality course (which I’ve already enrolled in & mentioned yesterday) are worth my $29.95. Everything else is icing on the cake.  These two might not be helpful to you, but there’s a principle you should consider.

All you need to find are the resources that YOU will use … that are worth more than your cost of $29.95. If you find those and they are worth more than the bundle, I highly recommend getting it . . .before it disappears on Monday.

If I were still homeschooling, I’d dive right into ABC Bible Memory Workbook for Kids Workbook by Jennifer Smith ($10.00) over the summer. It’s the perfect tool to help kids memorize Bible verses. Just take one verse each week … and start with A.  You won’t finish all of them by the end of the summer, but your kids will have God’s Truth in them for a lifetime.

Finally, I plan to share ideas from Lies Moms Believe: And How the Gospel Refutes Them  by Rebekah Hargraves ($4.99) with my daughters. Right now, we are waiting for granddaughter #3 to arrive any day now.  Woohoo!

The enemy attacks moms from every direction these days.

You and I need the Truth to fight the enemy. Lies Moms Believe is full of truth and I’m sure it will be one of the first books you’ll want to read! It is packed to the brim with Scripture!

I’ve already downloaded it so I can take it to the hospital to read while we wait for our little one to arrive.

All that to say . . . those 6 resources alone are worth $66.94 . . . far above my purchase price of $29.95. In my opinion (if that’s worth anything, LOL), this bundle is well worth my $29.95.

Now to Sweeten the Pot, I have 2 Bonus Gifts for YOU

Like I said yesterday, I will send my Holiday Bundle when you click here to get your Homemaking Bundle. Simply email your receipt to me.

What Will You Find in  the Holiday Bundle?

  • Skies of the Cross Family Bible Study Guide ebook ($9.97)
  • Skies of the Cross Answer Key ebook ($4.95)
  • Christmas Bible Study: Star of Bethlehem Family Bible Study Guide ebook($19.97)
  • Bible Readings for Passion Week (Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday) ($2.95)
  • Easter Feasts Chart ($2.95)

And Bonus Gift #2 . . . 

Self-Care Strategies That Work for the Busiest Homemakers

This is a brand new bonus my friends at Ultimate Bundles added today.

WOW…super-cool and generous of them to add one more item to the already 103 items in the bundle.  What I’m most excited to learn from this webinar are hacks for getting put together faster each day.

I wish I had these when my kids were young. Usually, I just ran out the door, happy to have clothes on and teeth brushed. I’d love hacks to be put together a little better.

So, what are You Going To Do?

Grab your bundle here right now.
Look it over the next 30 days.
If it’s not what you expected, no problem.
Simply ask for a Happiness Refund.
The Ultimate Bundles group will happily refund your money.
No Questions Asked. 


How’s that for a deal?

Don’t delay. It will be gone in 2 days!

PS  Never heard of Ultimate Bundles before? Read this:

This bundle is absolutely amazing! It was my first bundle and experience with Ultimate Bundles. Now, I’m an avid follower and supporter! The Ultimate Homemaking Bundle has brought clarity, purpose, and positivity to my life. I am more grounded and peaceful. My home is full of love. I have grown as a person and increased my educational pursuits. I feel inspired!  ~ Jen

how to simplify your homeschool
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