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Next, I have a Special Offer … just for you. . .
Let me share my favorite way to give my kids a “real life reason” to homeschool, to study, to learn. It’s the most natural way to learn.
Unit Studies are awesome and one of the most natural ways we learn. Yes…”we”! Adults AND children learn best when they’re interested in the topic. That’s one reason I created my Unit Study Tool Kit. To help you use YOUR child’s interests as you homeschool.
As a homeschool mom myself, I wasn’t able to do unit studies all the time, but I integrated them into our regular studies. I wanted my kids to love learning, so I allowed them to choose topics to study.
Do you want your kids to love learning?
Check out our Unit Studies Tool Kit.
Remember . . . unit studies are one of the best ways to instill a love of learning in your own kids.
The Unit Study Tool Kit has everything you need to get started.
What Will You Receive in Your Tool Kit?
Video Training (value $10)
Why use unit studies? How can you use unit studies? Even if you don’t use unit studies every day, you’ll discover how to use mini unit studies throughout your school year. Unit studies are one of the best ways to develop a love of learning.
If you learn better by reading, here’s the transcript of the video workshop.
Ebook (value $10)
Create your own unit studies based on your children’s interests. You’ll discover:
And I’m going to something else crazy. I’m going to add 5 Bonus Mini Units that you can get started with right now.
You’re in for a deal.
I’m doing something ridiculous for the next 15 minutes and slashing the price to only 7, saving over 85%.
Seriously, I’m taking on all the risk!
Try this today. I can’t wait to hear about the impact it has on your homeschool. Remember you only have 15 minutes to get the Unit Study Tool Kit for over 85% discount.
Your success in using this powerful approach to educating your children is completely guaranteed. In fact, here’s my 100% Better-Than-Risk-Free-Take-it-To-The-Bank Guarantee:
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
If you aren’t 100% satisfied – I don’t expect…or want…to keep your money. Simply send off a quick email to me and I’ll happily refund your money in full. That means you can’t lose no matter what!
This product is digital. Nothing will be shipped to you in the mail.
NOTE: By grabbing this resource, you will receive How to Homeschool My Child newsletters and other online homeschool information.