Do Your Kids Have the Tools to Learn?

Classical education has been around forever, or so it seems. One reason I love following this method is because it truly follows a child’s learning development.


It centers on literal-type learning experiences with young children. If you’ve been around a young child, you know they want to hear the same book over and over and over. You might be pulling out your hair, but they love it.


That’s because young children think literally. They love repetition. So, why not use repetition and literal thinking to teach at this age?


As kids begin to argue and gain abstract thinking, it’s time to move forward in classical education. It’s time to move into the logic and rhetoric stages of classical education. Teach your kids how to craft a logical argument and how to persuade someone to your point of view or opinion.

What Will You Receive in Your Tool Kit?

You’ll get all the basics of classical education in this tool kit. Take a look:


How to Use Classical Education in Your Homeschool

Video Workshop (value $10)


How to Use Classical Education in Your Homeschool

Transcript (value $10)


How to Get Started with Classical Education

Ebook (value $15)


Classics Book Lists: Children, Teens, Adults (value $11)


Retail $46 – Tool Kit Price $25

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If you aren’t 100% satisfied – I don’t expect…or want…to keep your money. Simply send off a quick email to me and I’ll happily refund your money in full. That means you can’t lose no matter what!

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