Are you choosing the best approach for each of your kids?
Do you match your homeschooling approach to your students’ learning style and educational needs?
Do you match your homeschooling approach to your family goals?
Are you overwhelmed when it comes to choosing curriculum?
Do you buy the same “stuff” each year just because you used it last year?
How about doing what’s BEST for YOUR KIDS this year?
Realize that no single approach to homeschooling works for all ages and all subjects.
Right now is a great time to decide the best homeschool curriculum, books and other items you need for your upcoming year. But it can be overwhelming, with everyone telling you their curriculum is the best.
I remember laying out books and catalogs all over the floor, trying to decide which one is best for our homeschool.
Can you relate?
Back then, we did not have the internet to watch videos or see samples.
I want to help you avoid my frustration to choose what is best for your homeschool . . . not your best friend’s homeschool, not your co-op friend’s homeschool . . . but YOUR homeschool.
Homeschooling should be customized. I often find myself comparing and being afraid that I am not doing things “right”.
I love the information about Christian homeschooling …. This really helps me to see where to proceed for our homeschooling future by focusing on these three virtues.
– Heather Nations
You’ll want to choose what’s best for YOUR family in different subjects at different stages of your child’s development. That’s why this course is so helpful to homeschool moms.
7-Week Course
This valuable course for new and not-so-new home educators is easily worth twice the retail price! Kerry has written an interactive guide that begins by helping you to identify your OWN definition of what an educated person is and then helps you set forth individual goals for each of your children!
Kerry recognizes that each family situation is different and has unique strengths, weaknesses and abilities and guides us into recognizing what is best for our family!
Utilizing her experience as a homeschool mom, and having a Masters of Education in Curriculum and Instruction, Kerry brings a unique perspective to evaluating the overwhelming choices available to home schoolers.
The beauty of this interactive guide is that after a discussion of each approach, there is room for recording which of our individual goals may be best met by that approach.
This book is also very RICH in resources. The Bundle includes a “resource list” for more information on each approach. It is a concise, well written guide that leads you through the myriad of home-schooling approaches and helps YOU to set goals and determine the approach that will work best in your unique family situation!
–Deanne Crawford, TEACH Magazine
You’ll discover:
I loved all the information and simple examples that you shared during the course. It was very helpful . . . . thank you so much these classes are truly a blessing!
– Jessica Anderson
What will you receive in this course?
Approaches 7-Week Course Total $169.95
Approaches Bonus Package
Bonus Package Total Value $29.95
Approaches to Christian Homeschooling Course Outline
7 Weekly Lessons
100% Risk Free
Your success in using this powerful approach to educating your children is completely guaranteed. In fact, here’s my 100% Better-Than-Risk-Free-Take-it-To-The-Bank Guarantee:
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
If you aren’t 100% satisfied – I don’t expect…or want…to keep your money. Simply send off a quick email to me and I’ll happily refund your money in full. That means you can’t lose no matter what!
This product is digital. Nothing will be shipped to you in the mail.
NOTE: By grabbing this resource, you will receive How to Homeschool My Child newsletters and other online homeschool information.