Whether this is your first or fourteenth year of homeschooling, having a place to homeschool is important. I’m excited to share many homeschool room ideas with you. We’re all different, so find the space in your home that works for YOU. Please don’t compare your family or homeschool to others.

Yesterday, I took you on a tour of my home and the many places we homeschooled. From the kitchen table for indvidual teaching to the living room couches for read alouds and laundry folding to our front yard for a solar system model.
Homeschool room ideas are all around us. Use the home God has blessed you with and be creative. For me, God blessed us with an extra room off the living room. We used it as our homeschool classroom. Each child had a desk … a very old, used desk that we got for next to nothing. When we bought our home, it already had a built-in desk for me. I was blessed.
My daughter, Ashley, starts homeschooling her 5-year old daughter this month. Not exactly what they planned, but they’re following God’s leading in our crazy times. They decided to convert a bedroom into a school room. Again, a blessing from God.

She did not spend much money on what she is using in their homeschool room. Almost everything is from Dollar Tree or free on Teachers Pay Teachers. I could waste a lot of time on TPT, looking for free stuff. I recommend putting a timer on your phone to help you stay focused.
Here’s what Ashley used to set up her homeschool room. She had a few items from teaching first grade, but mostly she spent very little money.
- Number Line – Old school stuff, but available at Dollar Tree
- Months – Target dollar spot ($3)
- Calendar – Pocket chart: Dollar Tree
- Calendar Numbers: Printed from free Teachers Pay Teachers (TPT)
- Seasons – Old school stuff, look at TPT
- Hundreds/Tens/Ones – Laminated paper – will use dry erase marker
- Yesterday/Today/Tomorrow – Felt piece – used poster stickers to hang
- Laminated signs found on TPT, used felt on the back to hang
- Weather chart: same as above just used different TPT pictures
- Alphabet – Dollar Tree
- Schedule – pocket chart: Dollar Tree
- laminated schedule cards from TPT (free)
- Bins on bookshelf: Walmart ($2 each, total $8)
Looks like she spent less than $20 for most of it. Add some felt and laminating sheets. Still a good deal for less than $30. I think I taught her well. Using our money wisely.
You may not have as many walls to hang items, but you can make a small nook in your home a special homeschool area. Or, use part of a bedroom. My granddaughter has a few educational items hanging on her bedroom wall and she loves them.
Like I said earlier, there is an abundance of homeschool room ideas. For that reason, I asked some of my blogging friends to share what they’ve done to set up their homeschool room. Click any of the items below to read more.

Homeschool Room Ideas
How We Homeschool Without a School Room, Sarah Mehlferber
Where Homeschool Happens, Erica Johns
Schoolroom Spotlight: Homeschooling from Our Apartment, by Emily Copeland
School Room Tour: the Must-Have Spaces, Cynthia Heren
Large Family Homeschool Room Tour, Sarah Avila
12 Homeschool Rooms to Inspire and Encourage You, Angela Taylor

5 Tips for an Awesome Homeschool Schoolroom, Gena Mayo
School Rooms, Anne Elliott
Large Family Homeschool Room, Betty Eisenhour
How to Get Your Homeschool Room to Teach For You, Amanda Stockdale
Our Distraction Free Homeschool Room (for ADHD), Lara Molettiere
Tricks to Organize Your Homeschool Space in Your Living Room, Ana Willis
IKEA Must-Haves for Your Homeschool Room, Sarah Avila

Decor and Organization of your Homeschool Room
Ideas for Your Homeschool Room or Space, Sarah Avila
An Organized Homeschool Room Will Make You Smile, Courtney Messick
Homeschool Organization Without a Homeschool Room, Sarita Harbour
7 Tricks to Organize Your Homeschool in Your Dining Room, Ana Willis
Let Your Walls Do the Teaching, Anne Elliott
Beautiful AND Functional Artwork, Kimberly Farmer

Special Nooks
Create a Homeschool Writing Center, Kim Kautzer
Tips on Creating an Accessible + Organized Art Station for Kids, Jillian Nutter
Homeschooling High School – Make Your Teen a Study Space , Betsy Sproger
Book Island Reading Nook, Kimberly Farmer

What about you? Where do you homeschool? What homeschool room ideas do you have to share? Leave a comment below and let us know so we can all learn from each other.
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