Homeschool Christmas Gifts

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When it comes to getting Christmas gifts for your homeschool, it’s always best to go with things that will get some use, like books and games. Not only are these awesome educational tools, but they can be excellent teachers. I have used games, movies, and books as the teacher when I was sick or simply not feeling well. Sometimes I used them when we needed to take breaks or switch things up.

homeschool Christmas gifts

If you’re looking for some unique, yet useful, gifts for your homeschool, check out my homeschool Christmas gifts ideas.

What are the benefits of getting books and games as Christmas gifts?

As I mentioned before, these will always make great teaching tools, but not only when you’re feeling under the weather or looking to give your lessons a makeover. There are also other educational reasons to consider adding them on your next holiday shopping list. Below are a few benefits to consider when using books and games in your homeschool:

  • Books help develop a love for reading.
  • Incorporating books enhances your child’s literacy levels.
  • Reading stories to young children helps build their vocabulary.
  • Game-based learning works on hand-eye coordination.
  • Games help with skill building.
  • Using games utilizes critical thinking skills.
  • Games can build cognitive, social, emotional, sensory, and motor skills.

Games provide many opportunities for academic practice at every age and stage of learning.

It would take a few pages to list all the Best Family Board and Card Games, But I hope the list provided here will give you hours of fun and learning with your family.

Now to list the best books….., that would be an almost impossible task! But I would like to offer four tips to help promote a love for reading.

  • Read with them. This should start when they are toddlers.
  • Set time limits, not page requirements if your child is reading for a school assignment.
  • Make it fun– For struggling readers, boy or girl, give them book choices that are slightly below their reading level helped make reading enjoyable.
  • Entice them with books that catch their attention. Leave books lying around on the coffee table, kitchen table, etc. that look fun and interesting

Now when thinking about the best gifts for your homeschool don’t forget about yourself! Jackie Wellwood authored my favorite devotionals for the homeschool mom.

One more very important holiday homeschool tip, stop the regular homeschool routine for at least two weeks.

I recommend Thanksgiving through New Year’s.

Now don’t stop learning! But do it differently.

I recently created something just for you to help homeschool families take a break without feeling guilty for doing so. Check out Legends of Christmas to help you stay focused on our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

As you make your list of must-have gifts for your homeschool, don’t forget to add these to the top!

A home full of games and books are a must for all families. If you haven’t already, add read aloud time to your homeschool routine. Making it a priority to sit down once a week to play with each other is time well spent. It keeps families connected and requires little effort or cost.

Pick up a game today and ask your kids to join you!

Enjoying the journey,

Michelle Osborn is the owner and founder of Yellow House Book Rental, specializing in providing homeschool curriculum for rent or purchase, as well as counseling and guidance for homeschool families. She is a wife of 30 years, a 22-year homeschool veteran, and mom of four amazing children. She and her husband absolutely adore their four grandchildren. Two of her children are now entrepreneurs, running their own businesses and doing quite well.

Michelle’s passions include serving by leading worship at her church and encouraging homeschool moms through one on one, social media and speaking engagements. She has found her niche in helping parents homeschooling their teens through the high school years and on to pursue their dreams.

Let’s connect! Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter, HomeschoolingTeensSuccessfully

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