Discover How to Make Homeschooling through the Holidays Easier

Do the holidays overhwelm you when you’re homeschooling? Why not integrate the holidays into your homeschool by studying Christmas around the world.


Our unit study is perfect to help you get started.

Now, YOU can study Christmas Around the World. Look at customs and traditions from Great Britain, Mexico, Sweden and more.


Which countries will you study?


Holy Land – Bethlehem


Great Britain




For each country, you will receive Christmas traditions, as well as Activities, Recipes, Christmas Carols, Christmas Poetry, Christmas Books, Christmas Movies. There is even a plan for your to use each day you study the country of the day.

In addition to Christmas traditions from each country, you’ll also receive:


-Merry Christmas in a variety of languages

-Christmas Poetry

-Christmas Book List

-Christmas Movie List

-Detailed instructions for activities & recipes

-Christmas Printables, -Symbols & Coloring Pages List


Save yourself some time and energy by using our plan! I’ve already done the work for you.

Bonus Resource

You’ll also receive my 5-Day Planner to this unit study. In educational terms, it’s your scope & sequence. At a glance, you’ll be able to see:


-Each country’s studied

-Each country’s tradition

-Each country’s activities

-Each country’s readings

-Each country’s cooking activity

-Each country’s printables

-Each country’s Christmas carols


All in one place…this resource will make your life as a homeschool mom very EASY!

Your investment is only $19.97

100% Risk Free

The text box will auto center to the imageYour success in using this homeschool through the holidays is completely guaranteed. In fact, here’s my 100% Better-Than-Risk-Free-Take-it-To-The-Bank Guarantee:


30 Day Money Back Guarantee


If you aren’t 100% satisfied – I don’t expect…or want…to keep your money. Simply send off a quick email to me and I’ll happily refund your money in full. That means you can’t lose no matter what!

This product is digital. Nothing will be shipped to you in the mail.

NOTE: By grabbing this resource, you will receive How to Homeschool My Child newsletters and other online homeschool information.