“Discover The Star of Bethlehem As A Family”

Have you ever wished you could focus on Christ during the holidays when you’re homeschooling. What better way to keep Jesus the focus than to study the Star of Bethlehem … as a family.


Every time I hear the Star of Bethlehem presentation, I am amazed at the details God has worked out to announce His Son in the story of the stars. The gospel message is so clear, if we spend some time studying what He has written in the skies.


For several years, I wanted my kids to read verses about the star and God’s view of stars for themselves. I finally took time and wrote a Bible guide for all of us to study. Not only will you learn about the Bethlehem star, but also many constellations.

Cindy Rushton, of Rushton MInistries says this about Star of Bethlehem:


The Study is Called Star of Bethlehem Bible Study Ebook. Not only is there a fresh focus on God’s AWESOME communication with us throughout time, but you will learn more astronomy than YEARS of study in a text! Kerry takes you deeply into the Word of God to dig out what God has to say about stars, astronomy, astrology, and neatest of all, how God used STARS to tell about His plan for salvation through Jesus Christ!


The study is heavy on questions for your family to answer as they search the truths about the skies and Christ’s star. I hope the questions will encourage discussion within your family. What a great way to learn … together!


I am hoping to use this great info that we are uncovering to make a cute lapbook as our final project at the end of our study. If you are like me and find yourself a bit intimidated when thinking of Astronomy Studies, this is the book for you! AND…if you are looking for a great Bible Study, don’t wait!

~~Cindy Rushton, Rushton Family Ministries ~~

I just received your “Star of Bethlehem” ebook. It is AWEsome! . . . I am so excited about this material that I can hardly wait to introduce it to our children.


Thank you for your time & for your AWEsome (in the true sense of the word) ebook. I am looking forward to the availability of the rest of your material on astronomy.

Julie Banton

In this ebook, you’ll dig deep into Matthew 2 as you discover the nine clues of the Star of Bethlehem. You’ll also spend time in Science and the Bible to see how they work together. You’ll also discover what astrological being the Star was.

There are many ways to use this guide:

-Family Devotion Time

-Older students study independently & discuss with parents

-Elementary students work through the Scripture together with parents

ONLY $19.97

I did decide to go ahead and purchase the Star of Bethlehem study and I found it quite interesting and helpful for the project I was working on. I thank you for sharing your work… Many blessings to you, your family, and your team.

~~Maria Taylor~~

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