Turn Christmas into Your Kindergarten Homeschool

One of the best pieces of advice I received the first year I homeschooled was to take a break during December. A friend of mine who had kids the same ages, but had homeschooled since Kindergarten, told me she “quits” formal homeschooling. What you might say? Quit homeschooling for a month.


Well, not really!


From this piece of advice, our family began a Christmas tradition of integrating Christmas and Advent into our homeschooling.


Let your kindergarten kids discover how Christmas is celebrated around the world with this 8-day, literature-based Christmas Unit Study.


Each country includes traditions, a book to read, activities for you to do. Your kids will love our Eat Your Way through School activities, which are ones that use food to learn.


In addition to the countries, you’ll read books about candy canes, the Grinch and the real Christmas story. All include preschool & kindergarten activities based on books.


As a bonus, you’ll get tips & tricks on surviving Christmas with the littles in your family.

Your Pre-K Christmas Unit Study includes activities for the following:


-Christmas in Germany

-Christmas in Sweden

-Christmas in Mexico

-Christmas in Italy

-Candy Cane Story

-How the Grinch Stole Christmas

What Activities are Included for Each Book?

In this Christmas Unit Study for Preschool & Kindergarten, you’ll find more activities and ideas based on an early learning book. The first few lessons are storybooks about Christmas in other countries. 

Each country has a fun Eat Your Way through School where your kids can do just that . . . cook or bake an item that goes along with the book you’re reading. FUNschool!

You’ll also receive:

-Science Activities

-Art & Crafts Activities

-Celebration Ideas

-Special Days in that Country


-Merry Christmas in other countries

If you choose to do any of the country celebrations, you can plan to read the book on or before the day of celebration. In other words, if you choose to celebrate St. Nicholas Day on December 6th, you might read your book and talk about St. Nicholas before December 6th. You would do the same before December 13th for St. Lucia’s Day.


Besides the terrific, easy-to-use activities, you’ll receive encouragement in homeschooling during the holidays with little ones. . . tips & tricks on surviving Christmas with the littles in your family.

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Your success in using this homeschool in the holidays resource is completely guaranteed. In fact, here’s my 100% Better-Than-Risk-Free-Take-it-To-The-Bank Guarantee:

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If you aren’t 100% satisfied – I don’t expect…or want…to keep your money. Simply send off a quick email to me and I’ll happily refund your money in full. That means you can’t lose no matter what!

This product is digital. Nothing will be shipped to you in the mail.

NOTE: By grabbing this resource, you will receive How to Homeschool My Child newsletters and other online homeschool information.