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Change text size, color, etc . . . to the left under “style”I recently read that the White House no longer sends Christmas cards wishing recipients a “Merry Christmas”. They hope you have a “happy holiday season”, instead.
In Massachusetts, the mayor of Somerville apologized for calling the party a “Christmas party” and reminded everyone it was simply a holiday party.
And in my own home town, the Office Depot clerk remarked on her headset they could not wish customers “Merry Christmas”. She went on to say, she could wish them “Happy Hanukah, Holiday, Kwanzaa” or whatever else!
I could go on and on, but I won’t. When I look around me and see how empty and commercialized Christmas Celebrations have become, I realize I need to watch out for my own family Christmas celebrations. I may not be able to change the world, but I can add purpose & meaning to celebrating Christmas in my home. I can be sure to keep “Christ” in the center of my family’s Christmas, and so can you!
I didn’t know these origins until a few years ago when we started to read more about why we do what we do to celebrate . . .
Let’s take a look at the 3 sections of this ebook, beginning with Christmas traditions with rich history.
-The Yuletide Log comes from the missionary Boniface and his work of converting pagans to Christianity
-St. Thomas Day (December 21) is a day of well-wishing and Christmas cards are a way of celebrating St Thomas Day
Advent is a glorious time to tie family bonds as you discover the Christian origins of Christmas symbols and traditions. I’ve included many Advent & Christmas Traditions and ways you can celebrate them as a family.
-Christmas Traditions and their Christian Origin
-Advent Devotional Calendar – Bible Reading Schedule
-Family Traditions
-Christmas Carols
The Epiphany section begins with the words to 12 Days of Christmas song, as well as special activities to do for each of the Twelve Days of Christmas.
Wondering what I’m talking about?
The Twelve Days of Christmas are not before Christmas, but AFTER Christmas, concluding on January 6th. I think this section is worth the price of the book alone since most don’t even know what Epiphany is.
Our Christmas Celebrations book gives you exactly what you need to keep the main thing, the main thing. You’ll get hundreds of ideas, including an Advent Bible Reading Plan, hands-on activities you can use in your homeschool, books to read, movies to watch, writing activities and more.
What will you find in Christmas Celebrations?
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