Help for Homeschool Bundle {HSHW Giveaway}

Free Life Skills Leadership Summit

WOW!  What a treat we have for you today!

Freebies for ALL!

Tricia Hodges, of Southern Hodge Podge, is giving away 2 of her ebooks to all of you listening to Homeschool Super Heroes. You can hear Tricia talk to moms about teaching art tomorrow (Thurs, Aug 28 4-6pm) Click on each of the images & you’ll have an instant download. Thanks, Homeschool Super Hero Tricia

Return of the Routine: 6 Steps to Success at | giveaway on

Slow Cooker Batch Cooking from | giveaway on

Today’s Giveaway

Tricia is also giving away one of her “Help for Homeschool” Bundle (value $32.97).  Enter below to win this entire set of homeschooling helps. Look what you get:

Help for Homeschool Bundle from | giveaway on

Remember to tune into Tricia’s interview tomorrow from 4 to 6pm EASTERN. If you haven’t registered for Homeschool Super Heroes, click here.

You can read about today’s Homeschool Super Heroes here!

Question: What have you learned from Homeschool Super Heroes? You can leave a comment by clicking here.
a Rafflecopter giveaway, 5 eBooks for $7.40!

how to simplify your homeschool
There may be affiliate links used in this post.


  1. I haven’t heard from the Homeschool Super Hero’s yet, I just registered. But I am so excited to hear what they have to offer. 🙂

    1. Jessica,
      Glad you found us & I hope the interviews are encouraging. By now, you should have received an email with all the details to listen in.

  2. While I have not listened in yet, I am looking forward to hearing Tricia Hodges. I have been eyeing her Pastel ebooks for some time.

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