Happy Thanksgiving from Kerry

Free Life Skills Leadership Summit

Let’s be honest … the holidays are not always fun & happy for many of us. Memories or existing circumstances can bring us down. I know. I’ve been there. I am there.

What gets me through holidays, especially Thanksgiving? Thankgiving where we are suppose to be with family and be thankful.

Counting it joy, despite how I feel…and telling God thank you for HIS love. His love is unfailing. No matter what I do or what others do, God will always love me. For that, I am eternally thankful.

As I read Psalm 107, I am reminded that my hope is not in my circumstances. My hope is in Jesus Christ. My hope in Jesus Christ, who satisfies our thirst and fills our hunger with GOOD things.

If, for some reason, you do not “feel” thankful … tell God you are thankful. The more you declare gratitude and thankfulness, the more your feelings will follow.

And…for what it’s worth, I’m “preaching” to myself as much as sharing my thoughts with you.

You … my supportive readers who encourage me with your emails and comments. I am truly thankful for you!

Your blog comments and emails encouraged me this year.
Your investment in our resources supported me this year.
Your desire to follow God in raising kids inspired me.

So, thank you! Thank you for being a part of my life.

I continue to pray that my blog and resources help you raise kids to be God-following adults. As a way of saying thank you, here’s a list of free printables you might have missed.

Giving Thanks to God: Copywork for All Ages

Thanksgiving Games for Kids

Thanksgiving Preschool Unit Study

Things to Be Thankful For List

How to Write a Thank You Letter (save this one for Christmas gifts)

25 Thankful Activities Calendar

Thanksgiving Bible Study & Thanksgiving Bible Verses

Christmas Bake Sale Ideas Guide – Others-Focused Activity for Kids

High School Checklist and Course Requirements

Elementary kids citizenship and civics

Handprint Turkey Craft Template

Turkey Safety & Kids Recipes

Holiday Picture Book List

Thanksgiving Freebie

Family of Honor Book

Bible Verse Posters

Autumn Book of Poetry

6 Plymouth Problems

Remain & Being Thankful

Thanksgiving through the Alphabet

Thankful Door Printable

Giving Thanks Tool Kit for Moms

How to Homeschool My Child

how to simplify your homeschool
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