Our next day in the 30 Days of Thanksgiving Activities for Kids is about making a Gratitude Journal. I’ve made a quick video for you to watch!
I started my gratitude journal a few years and I have over 3500 items of gratitude. It is so encouraging to me to remember that God gives me so much for which to be thankful.
Use your photo calendar to keep memories of the year. The photos will remind you of events in your life.
Or use a journal that you simply write in every day.
Each day, have your children list 3 things for which they are grateful for. I also include the person I send my Daily Thank You Note (Day 2).
On days we are not home, I keep a journal in my purse. It’s a quick place to keep track of my daily gratitude list. I picked up this small 4×6 journal at the dollar store. Your kids can keep it with their stuff in the car or in their backpack.
Finally, here are a few variations for your smaller children . . .
- At breakfast have each child share one thing they are thankful for.
- At lunch have each child share one thing they are thankful for.
- At supper have each child share one thing they are thankful for.
- Have your little ones, draw a picture of something they are thankful for.
Let your kids see how being thankful will change their attitude to joy.
In closing, here’s a portion of my gratitude list.
12. sunlight on the tops of trimmed bushes
13. coffee with friends
14. fluffy blueberry muffins
15. safe drive to New Braunfels
16. good conversation with our kids
17. Neil E. (gratitude card)
18. sundrops on pages of book
19. riverfront condo’s peaceful porch
20. tubing with the family
21. cool water
22. kids who still want to spend time together
27. Peter B. (gratitude card)
32. furball, newborn kittens
34. hot coffee
36. Jesus
Previous 30 Days of Thanksgiving Activities for Kids:
- Make a Thankful List
- Write a Thank You Note
- Start a Family Bible Study
- Read Together
- Chalkboard Thanks
Question: What are your kids thankful for? You can leave a comment by clicking here.