Good Words & Good Works

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Steve & I spent last week working at an orphanage in San Salvador with SHIP (Sheltering the Homeless International Project).

mission trip - spring break 2013 - ship sheltering homeless

I’ll be sharing more about our trip later, but for now I want to share one lesson God taught me.

Now may the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and our God and Father, who has loved us and given us everlasting consolation and good hope by grace, comfort your hearts and establish you in every good word and work. 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

At the beginning of our week in San Salvador, God brought this verse to me. I was quickly reminded of how our works and words are intertwined. They go together.

Words & Works

If all we had done in San Salvador was preach (without works), our words would have been empty. There would be nothing to back up our words.

On the other hand, if all we had done was work (without sharing God’s Word), we would have been like any other social service. Helping them with physical needs but not sharing how they can overcome spiritual and emotional emptiness.

As you & I minister to those around us, we must do so with BOTH words and works. Many times in my life, it is good works that open the door for me to share the gospel. Although last week was spent doing good works for those in and near the San Salvadoran mission, you can show good works right where you are. And your kids can join in.

  • Raking leaves for the widow down the street
  • Taking a meal to a family with a newborn
  • Inviting a business colleague over for dinner or out to a sporting event

Once you reach out in love (through good works), you earn the right to share the gospel.

How so?

When you serve those nearby, you develop relationships that didn’t exist before. Kids can reach out in good works in such an innocent fashion. So why not involve your kids as you reach out in your day-to-day life?

Start where you are by serving those around you. Use some of the ideas above to reach out in good works to your community.

If you are able, I highly recommend taking your kids out of the country on a mission trip. It’s worth saving your money to take a family mission trip. We took our kids on 3 trips when they were ages 5 to 12.

family mission trips - ship 2013 - sheltering homeless

More than likely, you will see true poverty unlike your family has seen in the states. You should have opportunities to help with physical needs while creating new friendships. You should also have opportunities to share the gospel through neighborhood events, Vacation Bible School, evening services and so forth.

With facebook, we can keep up with our new friends in San Salvador and share the good news of Jesus Christ, even after we return home.

I would encourage you to start teaching your kids the importance of good words and good works. Find ways for them to “show” God’s love to those in your neighborhood or community. Start small as you develop relationships & naturally share God’s good words.

As I had my quiet times in San Salvador, I was also impressed to pray for you . . . my readers (more on that later). For now, I will pray for you regularly that you would show good works and share good words in your everyday life.

Question: How do you help your kids understand good words or good works? You can leave a comment by clicking here.

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