30 Days of Giving Thanks Giveaway

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30 days of giving thanks blog series

Don’t you love fall? I do!

Not only is it getting cooler and time to start a fire, it’s the perfect time to teach our kids more about being thankful and start giving thanks.

If you’ve read my blog for any amount of time, you know I believe in gratitude.

Gratitude changes lives.
Gratitude changes my life.
Gratitude changes kids’ lives.

This year our 30 Days in November will center on ideas to teach gratitude and thankfulness to kids of all ages.

You’ll be excited to hear from awesome bloggers this year. Bloggers like Amanda Stockdale, Charlene Hess and Danielle Papageorgiou and 24 other bloggers will share their expertise over the month of November.  You’ll find Thanksgiving ideas for preschoolers, children, teens, as well as crafts, journaling, writing, literature and much more.

If you’re like me, you don’t want to miss any of these giving thanks ideas. To help you see all our bloggers’ ideas, fill in your name & email below. I’ll email you each day the entire blog post. It will be right there in your inbox.

That’s it. Each day you will receive our 30 Days of Thanksgiving in your inbox.

Giving Thanks Special Bonus

Some days we will offer free resources … all centered on giving thanks in your family or to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday. If you want to know when we have free resources, be sure to sign upabove. It will be included in the daily email.

As a way to get started, we have an awesome Grand Prize Giveaway. Enter to win here:

30 Days of Thanks Grand Prize Giveaway

I’ve rounded up a wonderful prize for one of my lucky readers.  During the entire month, you can enter to win our Giving Thanks Grand Prize Giveaway. Lifeschooling, Farmer’s Wife Rambles , This Love-Filled Life, Beyond the Stick Figure, Mom’s Mustard Seeds and have all donated prizes to be included in our grand prize. Take a look at what’s included (and we may add more later in the month).

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tomorrow starts our first day of giving thanks ideas. Teaching my kids how to give thanks was important to our family.

I’ll share an activity I used with my kids to get them thinking “gratitude” every day of November. It’s encouraging to see my kids teach my grandkids how to give thanks, also. I hope to have our Giving Thanks Tool Kit ready for free by November 1. Check back tomorrow AND enter your email in the box below.

How to Homeschool My Child

Question: How do you encourage your kids to give thanks in your home? Or, what’s your biggest challenge in showing gratitude with your kids? You can leave a comment by clicking here.

how to simplify your homeschool
There may be affiliate links used in this post.


  1. Sometimes it is really hard to be grateful. The daily grind of homeschool, keeping the house, feeding the family, and all that goes with it makes it hard to see all the things we should be grateful for. I try to spend some time each week thinking of all the blessings I have received that week. But I don’t always do a good job of it.

  2. I think it is wonderful to teach kids to be thankful. I am excited for the next month to see ideas about how to teach kids to be thankful!

  3. Thank you for doing this! It is so easy to be distracted away from what the holidays are really about. I am glad to be able to share this with my kids because y’all have taken the time to create it!

  4. What a great challenge to pause and reflect on God’s working in our lives. Gratitude is so lacking in the world, but it should be a way of life for the believer. Thank you for making tools available to use to instill gratitude and thankfulness in our children.

  5. I am looking forward to challenging myself and my children to be thankful for the next 30 days and really thinking about what they truly are thankful for and what is most important.

    1. So true Julie. If we can teach our kids at a young age to be thankful, they can have that advantage for a lifetime.

  6. I love to focus on Gratitude for the month of November but would love to always focus on it year round and have the kids to do it as well!!

  7. I always try to focus on gratitude in my homeschool this time of year. I always change it up a bit, doing different things each year. I find that it helps me and my family be less greedy and less self focused as we get closer to Christmas.

  8. Gratitude is definitely a reflection of heart and sometimes I grumble. I am thankful for reminders like these. Focus on the good and not the bad, especially when homeschooling.

    1. Jessica,
      I can relate … it’s easy for me to fall into complaining instead of gratitude. I must focus and stay intentional.

  9. This time of year has always been difficult for me because I fall easily into depression due to seasonal affective disorder. I have to focus on the good in my life as much as possible and get lots of sunlight. I make sure to spend time alone with the Lord first thing every day. When there are times of strife or trouble in my family, we take time to stop and remember all the good in our lives and remember that God has promised to use all things to our benefit. Through troubles, we grow and so we can even be thankful for difficulties. When there are disagreements we stop and take time to find what we agree on and we tell the other person why we are thankful for them in our lives. We also enjoy random hugs where the hugger embraces the other person and tells them something that they see as special in that person; even something like you give great hugs!

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