As we get closer to our Thanksgiving holiday, it’s important to remember where our thanks is founded by looking at giving thanks Bible verses. Our thanks is always founded in the One who made us, God.
Not only can giving thanks change our attitude from complaining and grumbling to thankfulness. Giving thanks can also change our perspective, from ourself to God.
It was easy to see selfishness in my kids as they were growing up, but it was also in me. One way to overcome selfishness is to get rid of the me attitude and move to the God attitude.
Let’s take a look at one of my favorite giving thanks Bible verses you can use with your kids.
Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
I Thessalonians 5:18
From now until Thanksgiving, memorize this giving thanks Bible verse as a family. Your kids can copy it on an index card to help them memorize it.
You can use these questions to let your kids discover what God is saying.
- What does God want us to do?
- When should we give thanks?
- Should you give thanks when your brother (sister) hits you? Or argues with you? Or use something that happens in your family.
- What is God’s will for you?
- How can we give thanks?
Each day at a meal, read the verse together. Once your kids know the verse, let them say it aloud on their own. After reciting the verse, go around the table and let each person tell one thing they give thanks for.
Did you know there are over 2000 Bible verses about giving thanks?
I think God knows we need reminders to give thanks. If you would like to study giving thanks Bible verses even more, I have a Bible Study on Thanksgiving that’s completely free for you. It does not cover all 2000 verses, but it can encourage you and your family to build the habit of giving thanks.
It’s a word study on “eucharisteo”, the Greek word for thanks. You’ll find more questions about eucharisteo you can use with your kiddos. Next, you’ll have a chart for all the verses where this word is used in the New Testament.
When you finish the study, you might let each child choose their favorite of the verse to share at the Thanksgiving table.

Be sure to let your kids do this study with you. It is a great tool for your high schoolers to learn how to do a word study in the Bible.
In conclusion, you will find a few follow-up questions so you & your kids can apply the truths of eucharisteo. Let it be your Bible in homeschooling from now until Thanskgiving … or even afterwards.
So . . . to get your FREE Bible Study on Thanksgiving, just enter your email below and we’ll send it to you immediately. When you sign up (above), you’ll also receive a link to Part 2 – A Short Study of Thanksgiving in Philippians. It’s another free Thanksgiving Bible study for you.