Give Thanks for Friends {30 Days of Thanks – Day 2}

Free Life Skills Leadership Summit

Did you send your first thank you card yesterday? You are off to a great start.

day 2-thank you card to friends - 30 days of thanksgiving activities for kids ~

I sent 3 or 4 thank you cards yesterday. One of those cards was sent to my best friend, so today send a thank you card to a friend. Tell your friend why you are thankful they are in your life.

Thanksgiving Activities for Kids

Now, let your kids write a card to their best friend. If that happens to be a sibling, let them mail their card in the MAIL.  Yep, spend a few cents to mail a card & watch the glow on your child’s face when he or she receives mail.

30 Days of Thanks - friends

This is an excellent opportunity for your kids to write a thank you card to a friend. Be sure to have them include at least one sentence telling why they are glad to be friends.

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Question: Have you sent a thankful or gratitude card? Who to? You can leave a comment by clicking here.

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30 Days Gratitude Challenge sponsored by Couple Next Door Cards
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