This week is all about gardening ideas for kids. Before I share some fun ideas to garden with your kids, I have to tell you what happened this morning.
My 2 year old granddaughter went outside with me to cut some pretty flowers. We cut down a gorgeous purple flower. I’m almost positive they are irises.
When we moved to the next plant to cut it down, she hit the long stem against the sidewalk and the prettiest flower broke off. You can see it in the photo above.
Oh no!
What a lesson in patience and understanding. She had no idea she would break off the flower, but she quickly learned. I realized as Gigi, I have more patience in situations like this.
As a mom, I would have been upset because my perfect plan (in my head) was ruined. More than likely, I would have gotten upset at my 2yo.
I’ve been speaking several times in the last 4 weeks. In almost every talk, I mention the fact that kids hear 432 negative words and only 32 positive words.
I was guilty of that as a Mom. I’m trying to speak positive, encouraging words these days. Not false positive words, but truth. God’s truth in situations.
Believe it or not, this leads me to . . .
Gardening Ideas for Kids
As I planned last night’s Facebook Party, I realized how vast the subject areas you can study in gardening. Of course, we usually think of Science … and that’s it.
What about character building?
Think of all the character qualities a good gardener has such as these. Patience. Responsibility. Endurance.
Below is a list of connections you can make in your homeschool when you try these gardening ideas for kids.
Try our Bean Plant Experiment which is super easy with only 4 supplies. You can even use this free Garden Journal to record the growth of your bean plant.
Or, check out our other Gardening with Kids activities, including FREE Notebooking Pages
Reading & Language Arts
I love Christine Zell’s Rabbit Trails Series. She is offering you a free one called Rabbit Trails with Gardening. You’ll need a copy of a fun book called Up in the Garden and Down in the Dirt .
Other Language Arts activities include writing a poem about your garden or a paragraph describing photosynthesis.
Study history of botany or history of growing food. Choose the food you will grow this year and see how it’s been grown in times past.
Measure the growth of your plants. Determine the rate of growth over a week or a month. Record in this free Garden Journal.
Read John 15. Discuss the connection between the True Vine, the branches and the Vinedresser. For help on this passage, watch my Gardening with Jesus video.
Make a list of the character qualities a good gardener needs to be successful. Find ways to improve in one or two of these character qualities.
Free Video Mini Course
To help you get organized, I have a 3-part video course, called How to Simplify Your Homeschool. Although I could charge for this course, I’m giving it to you completely free. Just enter your name & email below.
Then, check your Inbox for your first lesson. Each day, I’ll email you a short video with a quick task to get started. You’ll also receive my How to Simplify Your Homeschool Workbook for free. Each video has a one-page task to get you started on the way to confidently homeschooling your children this year.
What gardening ideas for kids have you used? Leave a comment.