Start School Right in 2021 – Free Workshop

Free Life Skills Leadership Summit

January is a great time to look back, seeing what went well last year and where to improve. Yet, sometimes I felt defeated, not knowing where to turn after this exercise. Or, how to start homeschooling in a better way.

That’s why I’m sharing kid-tested strategies you can use to have a successful homeschool year in 20210. Or strategies you can use in your parenting if your kids go to school.

Start School Right free class

I am hosting my FREE Masterclass about how to educate your kids the best way in 2021. I’ll give specific ways you can be more consistent & not overwhelmed as you teach & parent. You’ll discover tips & tricks in each of these areas.

  • Godly character
  • Tools of learning
  • Love of learning
  • Thinking critically
  • Mentoring
  • Biblical perspective

Even more important, I want to share how moms can overcome their biggest struggles in homeschooling.

As a little prep work, I’d encourage you to look back on this past year and think about your biggest challenges or your greatest needs in homeschooling or raising your child. Take those thoughts and answer these questions. Leave your answers in the comments section so I can cover them throughout next week.

What is your biggest challenge for 2021 might be?
What is your greatest need in homeschooling right now?

Now . . . take just a moment to reserve your seat for this outstanding free Masterclass. Or, read on if you’re still unsure.

Start School Right in 20210
January 19, 2021

8pm ET / 7pm CT / 6pm MT / 5pm PT

On this exciting free event, using the latest online technology, I’ll reveal tips & strategies to give your kids a superior education where they will learn to think for themselves, to think critically & Biblically . . . for life.

I’ll be sharing tips that you can take and use IMMEDIATELY after the workshop!

  • How to give your kids tools of learning for a lifetime … that REALLY work
  • How moms can overcome their biggest struggle in homeschooling
  • Biblical examples of leaders and leaders-in-training that you can follow
  • A proven method to develop a love of learning for life’s leaders
  • How to make this school year different & better from all the years past…
  • Two stages in laying the foundation for your children to become a leader
  • Three tips to instill the character of a leader at a young age
  • How you can begin this school right with your own children
  • Where & how you can start to raise your kids to be leaders, not followers
  • How to develop a love of learning in your kids … at all ages!
  • Simple techniques to train your children “how to think” and be successful leaders
  • One activity you can do each day to instill a lifelong love of learning so they can lead
  • Easiest way to become a mentor to your own children this year so they are prepared as leaders
  • How & why a Biblical worldview is imperative to give your own students.
  • How to transition from teacher-directed homeschool to a more independent student-directed homeschool

BUT, most importantly…I will reveal how you can use Godly character, love of learning, critical thinking skills to train your kids to become leaders of tomorrow – Godly leaders who will change the world!

Not everyone will become a CEO or Mayor of their town. But, almost all of your kids will become moms and dads, who need tools to lead their family well. To influence & impact their kids for Jesus Christ.

In case you may be wondering why you should join me on my “Start School Right” Masterclass Tuesday, let me assure you it is simply a complimentary class that you watch on your computer ….at no cost to you!

I’m here to help you and sharing what worked for me is one way to help.

Your children deserve more, so take it a step further this year and give them the ability to lead others well and make wise decisions as a mom/dad, husband/wife, employee, entrepreneur, church member, or neighbor .

Raising Leaders ebook giveaway


I’m giving away my Raising Leaders, Not Followers: A Christian Perspective of Leadership Education ebook. You can enter to win below.  I’ll announce the winner after the workshop.

I have limited spots for this event. So it’s a SURE BET this workshop will FILL completely. Reserve your seat here:

Don’t delay and kick yourself later.

Where do you need the most help in 2021? What is your biggest challenge for 2021 homeschool year? You can leave a comment by clicking here.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

how to simplify your homeschool
There may be affiliate links used in this post.


  1. Hello Kerry,

    how can I buy your ebook, Raising Leaders, Not Followers? I’m from Romania, and I buy a lot of ebooks from Amazon and other book retailers, because to send me to my country I pay 2 or 3 times the price of the book just for shipping. So I prefer the ebooks. I am a christian believer and I started homeschooling this year (2018) with my boy. I found your book and I think it can help me. If there is a way to buy it in some ebook or PDF way, that would be of help.

    many thanks and may God bless you and your family in the new year.


    Adrian Abrudan

    1. Adrian,
      You can buy Raising Leaders as an ebook or on Amazon. Here’s the link on Amazon:

      I also offer a digital package for our Christian Leadership Series with all 3 ebooks. You can read more about it here:

      The workshop today will offer a special 2-day price on the digital package. If you’re signed up for the workshop, you’ll get all the details. If you have not signed up, you can register here:

      There’s also a giveaway for the Raising Leaders ebook on the workshop page.

      I apologize for a very tardy reply. I was in El Salvador last week…and our server crashed. I’m just now catching up.

  2. My biggest challenge since this is my first year is learning how to structure the day and finding things to keep the kids busy once we are done with formal academics. Learning how my child learns best and how I can keep her excited about learning.

  3. Hi Kerry,

    Thanks for reserving a seat for me. But I live in Africa, some 6hrs ahead of the state of Florida.

    I don’t really know the US time zones and which would be appropriate for me, so could you just send me the videos, and if possible transcripts as pdf for me to watch later? I would appreciate that a lot.

    Also for me, one of the challenges I face is giving my 3yr old attention while working with her elder siblings who are 8 and 7.

    Also how to discipline my children for failing to do their work.

    Thank you,


    1. Tonye,
      Sorry for just now seeing this. If you register for the workshop, you will receive the replay link. It will be available this week only. Since you bought Christian Leadership Series, you also have access to the transcripts and other videos in your package. Let me know if you have any problems finding those transcripts and videos.

      Thank for being honest about your challenges. I reached out to other homeschoolers about homeschooling with infants and toddlers. I plan to share other bloggers’ helps on my facebook page:

    1. I’m sorry you had issues with the workshop. I was checking our email account for questions about the workshop, not here. My sincere apologies that I didn’t see this sooner.

      Sometimes you might have an old copy of a page and need to refresh your page. I hope you’ve been able to watch the replay. Let me know if you still haven’t been able to access the workshop.


  4. My biggest challenge is having the confidence that I can homeschool my own children.

    1. Thank you for your honesty and vulnerability. I know you have the confidence and hope all the encouragement you’ve received this past week will help you walk in confidence as you homeschool. 🙂 🙂

      1. I’ve started using the Sonlight curriculum for both children and it has been working out really well for us. I think that I can always use more advice to enhance what I am doing, though.

  5. Thanks for this class. I really need it because this year did not go well. I need to work on making major changes.

    1. I”m sorry to hear your year did not go well. Please let me know if I can help in any way.

    1. I think most moms of teens can relate to this. I hope I share some ideas to help your teen be more interested in what he/she is studying and ideas to be more independent.

  6. My biggest challenge will be 4-5 grade levels at one time.
    I appreciate what you are doing. Your desire to share what you know is priceless! Thank you!

    1. Thanks for your kind words. It is difficult when you have kids at different levels. One thing I tried to do as much as possible is combine my kids to study some subjects (like history or science) using the same program. In other words, all my kids studied medieval history at the same time. If they were close in age, they read the same book. We could all talk about the same events, even if we discussed at different thinking levels.

  7. My biggest challenge is organization. I also have a fear that I am not challenging them enough at the middle school level.

    1. Organization seems to be a big one for many moms … and I can relate to wondering if I was challenging my kids as they got older.

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