What a terrific first day of Bible school in El Salvador. I decided to review We Choose Virtues that we studied last summer, which are contentment, diligence and patience.
Today we want the kids to be content in any & all circumstances where God places them.
To start, we sang the Content song from We Choose Virtues. Over & over, the kids sing they have their “wanter” under control. We pray the words are seen in their lives.
After a few more songs, Angie tells the story of the Israelites complaining & whining about manna & quail. If they collect too much manna, they have worms the next day. If they eat too much quail, it comes out their nostrils.
The Israelites were NOT content with what God provided for them.
How can your kids be content in their own lives?
- With their home?
- With their brothers & sisters?
- With their friends?
- With the toys they have?
Next, we discussed Philippians 4:12 and how Paul learned to be content in poverty or riches; in hunger or satisfaction; with little or much. We practiced this verse many times to help the kids learn it. If they come back tomorrow and can say the verse, they receive a sticker & candy.
Our craft was a quail paper bag puppet from Danielle’s Place of Crafts. When they completed the craft, they had their quails flying all around the patio. I love craft time because it’s a chance for team members to sit with the kids and develop relationships.
We concluded with manna cookies & gummy worms to remind the kids to be content with what they have. Do not “want” more than what God has given you.
For other FREE Bible Lessons for Kids … click on any link below:
Day 1: We Choose Virtues – Learning to Be Diligent
Day 2: We Choose Virtues – Learning to Be Content
Day 3: We Choose Virtues – Learning to Be Patient
Day 4: FREE Bible Lessons for Kids – Diligent
Day 5: FREE Bible Lessons for Kids – Content
Day 6: FREE Bible Lessons for Kids – Patient
.Question: What do you do to help your kids be content? You can leave a comment by clicking here.