FREE Bible Lessons for Kids – Patience {SHIP VBS – Day 6}

Free Life Skills Leadership Summit

Wow…our week is winding down and it’s time to talk about being patient once again.  This is the last one in our first series of FREE Bible Lessons for Kids and I pray God is using them to grow your kids from caterpillars to butterflies of virtue.


On this last day, we simply reviewed the Diligent & Content song from We Choose Virtues.  In fact, one of our 5 year olds was singing it to herself as she completed the craft.

Over the week, all the kids were singing our Diligent & Content song from We Choose Virtues {WCV}.  If you aren’t using songs to help your kids memorize verses or concepts, you’re missing out.  Songs are one of the BEST ways for your kids to memorize

Virtue Drama about Patience

At the last minute, we realized Madisen left to play with the girls at our work site.  The guys in our group are rebuilding a home for a very poor family. It’s been eye-opening to us how these 3 young girls live – very dirty, little to no personal hygiene, but a smile on their faces. Madisen, Sarah & Taylor usually visited the work site each morning, simply to play & love those 3 young daughters.

Family Mission trips with

Madisen was doing something important – playing & loving 3 girls who needed love.

So, our team’s keyword for the week, flexibility, was put into practice again.

Madisen was suppose to share a story about being patient, so we had to improvise.  We decided to act out a situation the kids need to practice patience – waiting for their food to be served.

Drama about learning patience ~ FREE bible lessons for Kids from

Kayla, Kelsey, Madison & Meagan acted out a scene where 2 girls were served their food immediately. Meagan yelled “comida” (food) several times to the waitress.  Although it was entertaining, it got our point across.

After the drama, I pointed to each girl to allow the audience to say “yes” or “no” whether she was patient.  The kids in the orphanage often have to wait for everyone to be served, so this was very appropriate.

Application for Patience in We Choose Virtues

In the afternoon, I asked the kids in the neighborhood for times they could be patient at tutoring or on their way to tutoring. They immediately said to be patient when their teacher was helping another student.

Another place to practice patience is at the doorbell to our activity center.  It takes about 2 minutes to walk from the kitchen to open the door. Today, I heard the doorbell 3 times as I walked from the kitchen to open the door. As I shared that story, they giggled because they saw how they have not been patiently waiting for someone to open the door.

In your family, find times where your kids need to practice patience. Discuss or act out that situation.

Bible Story from Bible Lessons for Kids

Today’s Bible story comes from Genesis 29 about Jacob working seven years to marry Rachel.  Dennise had the kids count to seven to indicate how long Jacob had to wait for Rachel.

Memory Verse Games

Christina reviewed our verse about being Content, so the kids would remember the verse when it is time to get a piece of candy for recitation.

Then, we played a memory verse review game that I’ve wanted to play since I started VBS in El Salvador.  In the past, we were learning a new verse every day so we never had time to play review games.  Today was different.

Memory Verse Games with balloons ~ FREE bible lessons for Kids from

Christina passed out balloons to each of the kids. They had to pop the balloon and get the paper out of it. As a group, they had to put all the papers in order of today’s verse.  We asked for ways the kids could pop the balloon and then we counted to three.

It was wild, but fun!

The kids loved popping the balloons and putting the verse together.  I hope to share more review games you can use in future Bible lessons for kids.

During craft time, the kids had time to recite 2 of their verses and 2 of their catchphrases about being Content & Patient.  They did a great job!

Memory Verse activities include reward stickers & candy ~ FREE bible lessons for Kids from

Crafts & Memory Verse Activities

We had 2 crafts today.  Both crafts encourage the kids to grown in the Lord by growing in virtue.

Flowers grow, just like we grow in Christ. So, we are using a flower craft to emphasize growth & our memory verse. Kids color the flower petals and stick a foamboard center on the flower.  Next, they pasted the stem, leaves & flower center on construction paper.

Memory Verse activities go with this Flower Bible craft  ~ FREE bible lessons for Kids from

You should be able to fold up the petals to the middle of the flower.  As the kids say the verse, they can open up each petal to see if they are right.

The Bible crafts were found at Danielle’s Place.

Bible Snack

Our second craft includes our snack.  It’s a butterfly bag of goldfish.  Our team filled snack size ziploc bags with goldfish. Then, we placed a clothespin in the middle of the bag, separating the goldfish into 2 butterfly wings.

Butterfly snacks encourage We Choose Virtues ~ FREE bible lessons for Kids from

The kids colored the clothespin, glued on googly eyes & pipe cleaner antennae.  Everyone had to wait to eat their goldfish, practicing patience. Once we cleaned up the craft supplies, we discussed ways to practice patience. After waiting patiently, the kids ate their goldfish.

Cross-Cooking Lessons with Teens

After our morning Bible school, the girls in the orphanage taught our team members how to cook tortillas. In the orphanage, they cook with freshly ground corn dough every day over a fire.

Learning to make tortillas on family mission trips from

During our afternoon Bible school, three of the older girls from the orphanage came over to learn how to bake chocolate cookies. They rarely use their oven because the propane is too expensive.  Taylor & Courtney showed them how to bake Chocolate Crackles.

Baking Chocolate Crinkle Cookies at SHIP

We served the Chocolate Crackles that evening when the entire orphanage came to our activity center for a fajita dinner.  Everyone loves chocolate, so Chocolate Crackles were a huge hit.

Chocolate Crinkle Cookies Recipe from


In summary:

  • We Choose Virtues PatientParenting Card (includes virtue, memory verse, catchphrases, story)
  • Drama about being patient for our food – Draw applications that relate to your own children
  • Bible Story of Jacob working patiently for Rachel – 7 years!
  • Craft – Flower petals with memory verse
  • Snack – Butterfly bag of goldfish
  • Songs – Diligent & Content song from We Choose Virtues

I hope these FREE Bible lessons for kids are helpful in your homeschool or church.  I’ve enjoyed creating them for our SHIP VBS, as well as sharing them with you.  I’d love your feedback. Let me know if these Bible lessons for kids are helpful or if you other information would be helpful to you.

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GIVEAWAY - freshly roasted El Salvadoran coffee - Cafe Tucan  from HowToHomeschoolMyChild.comI am giving away a pound of freshly roasted El Salvadoran coffee. To enter this giveaway, you need to do 2 things.

1. SUPER-EASY: Subscribe to this blog. Use the form below to subscribe to my blog & receive an email every time I post. If you already receive emails every time I post to this blog, you’ve already done #1. Just check it off!

2. COMMENT: Leave a comment on any of my blog posts about our SHIP VBS. You can leave a comment every day until July 17th, 2014

  • How you are teaching your kids that particular virtue
  • How you struggle with that particular virtue
  • Thoughts about going on a family mission trip

Here are links to each of the SHIP VBS posts. Leave a comment on a different post, every day! You’ll get a 10 point entry for every comment.

Day 1: We Choose Virtues – Learning to Be Diligent

Day 2: We Choose Virtues – Learning to Be Content

Day 3: We Choose Virtues – Learning to Be Patient

Day 4: FREE Bible Lessons for Kids – Diligent

Day 5: FREE Bible Lessons for Kids – Content

Day 6: FREE Bible Lessons for Kids – Patient

How do you teach your kids to be patient? You can leave a comment by clicking here.


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