Fire Prevention Week Activities

Free Life Skills Leadership Summit

Fire prevention week starts today, but I have to share a quick video from the weekend.

Fire Prevention Week activitites for kids

I spent last weekend with my granddaughters so I could watch my oldest’s first soccer game on Saturday morning. It was quite entertaining. She was able to kick in the ball and make a kick off. The kick-in (no throw-ins so they don’t get confused about touching the ball with their hands) resulted in a goal. Oh, they don’t keep score…but they really do in their head.

Find the pink socks and you’ll see my oldest grand.

After the soccer game, we headed to Home Depot and both grandkids made a “fire boat”. Since it’s close to Fire Prevention Week, they made one of the fire safety activities … a boat the firefighters use. My 18 month grand was excited because this was her first Home Depot craft.  She did a pretty good job painting her fire boat while Daddy built the boat for her.

Fire Prevention Week Activities

Our last fire prevention week activity was after dinner. We made these cute graham cracker fire trucks. My four year old grand loved these. Actually, I spread the icing. She sprinkled red sprinkles and placed the wheel and ladder pieces. Then, of course she ate her fire truck.

Fun fire prevention week activity ... Eat your graham cracker fire truck when you're done

Super easy fire prevention week activities for kids – All you need are graham crackers, red frosting, mini Oreos, pretzel sticks and sprinkles (if you like).

Fun fire prevention week activities for kids...that you can eat

And if you have a very young child, let them decorate their graham cracker however they want. It’s the experience…not the outcome.

Try some of our other fire safety week activities for kids.

50 free fall activities for kids

50 Fall Activities for Kids – FREEBIE

Here are 50 more Fall Activities to inspire a love of learning with your kids. Just leave your name and email address, and we’ll zip it straight to your inbox.

Question: Have you had a fire drill at your house? You can leave a comment by clicking here.

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