Many homeschoolers give a weekly wrap-up on Friday. I decided I would be better for an end of the month recap. I can handle once a month.
I want to share how I’m doing on my one-word for 2013, as well as how I’m doing on my reading goal of 52 books this year.
You’ll also see some personal items here & there. To start, February is a birthday month in our home. We celebrate my birthday, Gentry’s birthday and Valentine’s Day.
I started the month in sunny Florida at the Beech Conference for homeschool bloggers. It was so much fun to meet bloggers like Kendra Fletcher (Peace & Preschoolers) and Mary Prather (Homegrown Learners). Kendra (in the middle) will be my special guest for our April facebook party.
And, I try to volunteer in Ashley’s classroom every month. I headed to her school (30 minutes out of town) on President’s Day to read The House that George Built. I admire Ashley for working with at-risk first graders.
I always read a book before we do a fun activity. This time we made George Washington faces from paper plates.
- Les Miserables (finished all 900ish pages & watched the movie)
- A Year on Ladybug Farm (recommended by readers…I needed a change from Les Mis)
- Rumpole’s Returns
- The Pioneer Woman: Black Heels to Tractor Wheels (I laughed out loud)
I enjoyed Les Miserables(book) more than the movie. As much as I loved seeing the redemption & change in Jean Val Jean, I wasn’t drawn into the story plot like I am in other books.
A Year on Ladybug Farm had been recommended by several of you, so I bought a copy. I wasn’t so sure about it, until 3/4 into the book. That’s when I was hooked and couldn’t put it down. I’m ready to read the sequel.
Rumpole’s Return was recommended by neighbors & has British humor. I had to persist to finish it.
With The Pioneer Woman: Black Heels to Tractor Wheels, I didn’t have to persist at all. In fact, I stayed in bed last Saturday until 10am, enjoying every chapter. She’s hilarious. I can’t believe all the things that happened to her.
- Coronation of Glory (one of my favorites that I’m re-reading)
- Three Weddings & a Giggle
- Thorn in My Heart
I lost my copy of Coronation of Glory (out of print), so Gentry found a copy for my birthday. Lady Jane Grey is one of the most fascinating people in history. You’ll be inspired by her maturity & courage at such a young age.
Next up are 2 Liz Curtis Higgs books. I enjoyed Bookends in January & decided to try a few others.
I’ll finish with a more serious update. As you might remember, at the end of 2012 I couldn’t even remember my word for 2012. I decided to change in 2013 and make a daily habit of growing in my one-word.
My word for 2013 is praise, so I won’t complain.
In my morning devotions, I read a Psalm of praise – OUT LOUD! I find that reading it aloud helps it sink in. I’m trying to start my day with praise so I will praise more throughout the day.
Some days it works, others I complain (ugh!)
But last week, I found myself struggling with complaining. In my mind I was upset about a silly matter. I told myself to quit complaining & started praying. My complaining would go away, but quickly reappear.
I was excited to see that I noticed my complaining spirit and begged God to give me power to change. Even though I struggled in my mind, I knew God would get rid of my complaining thoughts. I hope that’s one step in the right direction.
Question: How are you doing with your one-word for 2013? How about your reading goal You can leave a comment by clicking here.
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