Not traveling as much as you’d dreamed? 🙂 Too expensive? Family travel seems like too much to tackle?
When our kids were home, we traveled all over the United States and a few places abroad. Our favorite family vacation was Costa Rica before Ashley got married. It was our last trip before expanding our family with son-in-laws or grandchildren. And we took that trip on a budget. Most places we stayed were less than a night’s hotel back home.
Each of our trips was an educational and learning experience. Not that we did formal academics on any of our trips, but we all learned more about history, science, arts and more.

If you’re interested in family travel on a budget, I’ve got some awesome free resources to help you here in the states.
Family Travel in the United States
Most of our family travel has been in the United States … Williamsburg, Washington DC, Yorktown & Jamestown, Colorado, California to name a few places. I compiled a listing of fun family travel trips you might want to take. They are all over the United States and you can get my free ebook by clicking the image or title below.
66 Summer Fun Trip Ideas
If you feel like your budget is extra-tight, try one of our staycation ideas. These ideas are across the entire United States. Check our our free listings at the blog post below. Click the image to read all about it.
Family Staycation Ideas
Includes specific ideas in Texas (San Antonio, Bryan, College Station), as well as all the other 49 states. Enjoy a vacation at home.
What family travel ideas do you have? What’s your favorite family trip you’ve taken? Leave a comment below.
If your kids say their bored at home this summer, try our 206 Summer Fun Activities. Just enter your name & email below. Instead of paying $8, we’ll give it to you for free right now.