Faithful or Freaking Out? {Caleb part 3}

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As we continue to read about the spies, the people of Israel and their leader (Caleb), we see diverse reactions to the reports of the Promised Land.  We’ll see more of the “freaking out” today & the “faithful” trusting God next time.  Let’s take a look in Numbers 14:1-5.

So all the congregation lifted up their voices and cried, and the people wept that night. And all the children of Israel complained against Moses and Aaron, and the whole congregation said to them, “If only we had died in the land of Egypt! Or if only we had died in this wilderness! Why has the Lord brought us to this land to fall by the sword, that our wives and children should become victims? Would it not be better for us to return to Egypt?” So they said to one another, “Let us select a leader and return to Egypt.”

Sounds like these people are freaking out!

  • They lifted their voices & cried.
  • They wept all night.
  • They complained to their leaders.
  • They started saying, “If only, If only, If only”
  • They questioned the Lord
  • They asked to go back to slavery


The Israelites want to go back to slavery in Egypt.

The people believe slavery is better than freedom.  Let’s think about this for a moment.  The Israelites had never really experienced freedom. They had grown up in slavery & didn’t know anything else.  It is understandable they yearn for slavery.

How often do you want to go back to a bad situation to escape your present circumstances?Trusting God or Not/

More importantly for you & me is to see how this situation is similar to ours in homeschooling.  At times, homeschooling can be the most rewarding experience.  You see your children growing in the Lord & gaining the tools of learning.

At other times, you can feel 10 feet under 🙂

  • Why has God put me in homeschooling?
  • Why has God given us this financial situation?
  • Why do I have problems with my parents? siblings? friends? kids?
  • Why are we trying to homeschool our kids on one income?
  • Why did God give me a special needs child?
  • Why don’t we have enough money to have fun as a family?

Or. . .

  • I can’t handle it God.
  • I want to give up.
  • I can’t sleep at night.
  • I want to take a bubble bath & never come out of the bathroom.


This is the same response as the Israelites.  It’s all about “me”, instead of focusing on God & His faithfulness to you.  You are anxious & your anxiety paralyzes you, your family & your homeschool.

Caleb has the opposite response. We’ll look at him next time.  In the meantime, pray for God’s peace.





If you’ve ever felt 10 feet under, please share how you survived.  When you post a comment, you enter to win this week’s giveaway:  Parenting Styles from the Old Testament that You Can Use TODAY.

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Kerry Beck, author of Raising Leaders, Not Followers, has a free homeschooled workshop on Start School Right.  To get the details, click on this link . . .


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  1. Over the last 19 years of homeschooling, I have felt 10 feet under several times. I have been ready to quit, but thankfully, I was encouraged and strengthened by reminding myself of why we began homeschooling, by focusing on those reasons to cut out the excess busyness, by my husband coming beside me and taking over some areas I was having difficulty in and his being faithful to pray for me and the children, by attending conferences with great speakers, and by finding great support systems to lift me up when I was down. God has been faithful to keep me in all things even when I was ready to quit and forgot His purposes and perfect love in my life.

    1. Wendy,
      Great comment. It is so important to get rid of excesses. Too many activities (even good homeschool activities) can stress us out. I remember a year when my husband said, “No more co-ops”. Co-ops were taking over our lives. More than anything is keeping our focus on Him and His leading. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Keri, Thank you for your encouragement. It is way to easy to keep my eyes focussed on my little world spinning in front of me. I am currently praying about staying in our co-op. So, help me out, where in your Blog are parts 1 and 2 of this series?

    1. Barbara,
      I know it can be so overwhelming on some days. I will pray for you. To see the all the articles on one page, click on the Bible category. It’s listed in the right-hand sidebar. Let me know if you have any problems finding those articles.

  3. There have been times in my ten years as a home-schooler that I made some decisions that were difficult for me but eased the tension I was feeling. As a wife, I had to listen when my husband said to cut certain activities. As a pastor’s wife, I had to tell our church that I would not be at all of the ladies functions nor regularly visit with every person in church that I would like to. As a mother, I had to go back to basics (relational ties intact and consequences for disobedience or laziness enforced) – even at the expense of finishing our curriculum at times. As a friend, I had to seek out more support and be genuine about my need for prayer. As a daughter of the King, I often need to go to Jesus and ask, “Are you pleased with me?” Then I can either just cry on His shoulder or listen up when He gives specific instructions. He is faithful to make me more like Jesus and to do the same for my children.

    1. Thanks for sharing. Yes, we often need to listen to our hubbys in saying “no” and dealing with the most important instead of the urgent.

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