How Can You Help Your Kids Walk with God?

You know you need to do these with your kids. But, how can you do it all?


-Read the Bible together as a family.

-Memorize verses.

-Have fun, exciting activities.

-Apply the Bible.

-Sing & worship.



Walking with God: Bible Lessons for Families
(5 Week Course)

Bible Lessons for Families includes all of this and more. In each course, you’ll receive Bible stories that teach principles. Biblical principles you and your kids can apply to your life.

It’s perfect for this summer. And it includes all those areas above, those things you know you need to do, but  It’s perfect for this summer. And it includes all those areas above, those things you know you need to do, but don’t have time to plan them.

I’ve done all the planning for you. All you need to do is grab the supplies, open your Bible and the course and get started. Most days, all you need is your Bible and course.

Using the 5 weeks of family fun activities, your children will discover specific ways they can walk with God right now.

There is enough variety, flexibility and freedom to help any parent lead it from home. Walking With God has all the elements of a study all the kids will look forward to. It is filled with enough structure for you to lead with confidence this summer. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                       – Amber Stephens

                                                                                                                                                                                    Blogger at 200 Fingers & Toes


In order to get those principles into our heads & lives, I’ve included:


  • Bible Memory Verse Printables – Activities – Songs
  • Catch Phrase printables – the Application for you
  • Review Questions
  • Bible Story Videos
  • Crafts
  • Snacks
  • Hands-On Activities
  • Tie-In Activities to Homeschooling
  • Teen Track
  • Mom Track

Kids will discover and practice these concepts:


Zaccheus: When I walk with God,

I am a new creation

Mephibosheth: When I walk with God,

I show kindness

Noah: When I walk with God,

the Holy Spirit is my helper

Saul-Paul: When I walk with God,

I am trusting in Jesus

Philip & Ethiopian: When I walk with God,

I tell others about Jesus


Walking with God Bible Lessons for Families is easy to follow. – Ashley


The most helpful lessons involve songs or stories because they provide a more memorable way to remember the Bible verses. -Steph


Walking with God Bible Lessons help build their children’s relationship with God. -Lynn                                                                                                                                                                                                   


In addition to the Bible story from the Bible, you receive all the activities planned out for you. Memory Verses. Crafts. Snacks. Games. Chants. Songs. Videos. ALL tied together with the application of the story.

Super-easy to use. Especially for this summer.

100% Risk Free

Your success in using this powerful approach to educating your children is completely guaranteed. In fact, here’s my 100% Better-Than-Risk-Free-Take-it-To-The-Bank Guarantee:


30 Day Money Back Guarantee


If you aren’t 100% satisfied – I don’t expect…or want…to keep your money. Simply send off a quick email to me and I’ll happily refund your money in full. That means you can’t lose no matter what!

We are still singing the Rizer song from 2 Corinthians 5:17. It really captured my kids attention. -Loralyn


I like that the lessons are planned with audio, visual, and kinesthetic learning modes. -Sonja                                                                                                                                                                                                   


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