*** NOTE: Passion Week Bible Reading Schedule is at end of this post
I’ve never made an Easter garden with real flowers, until last week. I love Easter crafts and the object lessons you can discuss as a family. Here are pics from my garden. (BTW…you still have time to zip over to WalMart or Lowes and grab anything you’re missing)
I also made an Easter garden with grass seed which I hope to post this week. Seems like everything is taking a little longer than expected.
I stopped at Lowe’s to pick up some flowers for our front yard gardens and decided to add a few items to make an Easter garden with real flowers.
For the garden tray, I used one of those long trays you get at the nursery. It holds 6 six packs of flowers. You can use an actual garden tray, if you like. I decided to save some money and use what I had. When you line the tray with foil, be sure to punch a few holes in the foil for drainage.
Add soil or potting mix to your tray.
I use my thumb to separate the roots at the base of each plant. This allows the roots to expand. Place your flowers around your tray. Arrange to your liking.
Lay the small pot or cup on its side. Place it in your garden for your tomb. If you like, you can place a small doll in the tomb on Good Friday.
Create a path or road leading to the tomb. Use sand, pebbles or rocks. I bought a bag of sand in the crafts department of WalMart. In the past, I’ve bought rocks from the 99cents store.
Make 3 crosses from twigs. I tried gluing them together with Elmer’s Glue, but they would not hold. So, I found brown thread and tied them together. That seems to work just fine.

Insert your crosses in your garden. Here the crosses are lined up in the middle of the garden. I also placed them throughout the flowers on the small hill. Be sure to place the rock in front of the tomb on Good Friday.

On Saturday night (after your kids go to bed), remove the rock from the tomb. If you place a small doll in the tomb, remove that also. When your kids wake up on Sunday morning, the tomb will be empty . . . just like it was when the disciples and women found it on Easter morning.
While my kids were growing up, we read specific Scripture during Passion Week. If you’d like our list of Easter Bible verses to read each day from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday, just enter your email below. We’ll send it automatically to you.
If you are looking for other gardening activities, check out my friend Becky Marie’s Garden Link up by clicking here.

I like this idea so much.
This is a perfect idea! Thanks for sharing it. I’ll have to think of some alternatives for the nursery flower as we are on lock down, but I think I can. I love this.
If you have flowers in the yard, you can use them. Or, if you have a stash of artificial flowers, you could use those.