If your answer is yes . . .
I have great news for you! I just started a new pinterest count specifically for homeschooling. The entire account is homeschooling & holiday ideas. I have 1,141 pins right now and adding daily.
If your answer is no . . .
You should consider opening a Pinterest account. It’s one of the best strategies to organizing information that I’ve found.
Take a look at my new homeschooling pinterest account to see how you can organize homeschooling ideas. (or parenting or home or recipes…the list goes on)
How to Homeschool My Child Pinterest
If you know of a good homeschooling pinterest account to follow, let me know. I’d love to follow it.
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Question: If you’d like me to follow you on Pinterest, please leave your Pinterest account below. You can leave a comment by clicking here.
Kerry, Will be glad to follow and share! I hope you will return the favor at Becky Petrocelli, where I have several Homeschool boards, Ministry boards, and several others. Happy Pinning! ~ Becky
I love homeschooling our children
I’d love for you to follow me: http://pinterest.com/handsdelight/boards/
My pinterest is http://pinterest.com/schoolingnsun
I adore Pinterest! I want to use it for planning fun stuff during the school year. You can find me at: http://pinterest.com/carriesheart/
Love your boards! I can’t wait to dig into them. If you’d like to follow me, I am Tracy Smoot, homeschooling believer and momma to 9 in Texas. Thanks!
I’d love you to follow me, also! 🙂
Follow me, follow you… wonderful 🙂 http://pinterest.com/Kimhuff5/
Would love for you to follow my pinterest
Sorry to take so long in following you on pinterest. Steve & I were in Houston yesterday, visiting family & friends. Great day, but i forgot to check my blog when we go home late last night.
Your boards look amazing!! You can follow me at http:/pinterest.com/adenaf
Thanks…You’ve got some great pins, too
I love Pinterest and can’t wait to comb through your boards! I have a few school boards that I’ve been pinning to as well. You can follow me at http://pinterest.com/afcaburrell/boards/