Dealing with Rejection

Free Life Skills Leadership Summit

Rejection & being offended are hard…not easy at all. Especially when the offenses or rejection come from those close to you.

I know!

I’ve lived through one of the hardest circumstances of my life during the past three years. Dealing with rejection took time, but I’m thankful God is faithful.

Dealing with rejection and offenses

I pray this encourages you … ways God helped me deal with rejection and those who offend me.

In the video I mention a few ways that God helps me, as well as books and verses that have given me peace & freedom from those who offend me. Here’s a quick list of those items.

  • Gratitude Journal – I use inexpensive journals to write down at least 3 items each day … things I am thankful for. You might try this Gratitude Journal with 52 weeks for entries. Or, let your kids use this Kids Gratitude Journal.
  • Praise & Worship God who is always there, always faithful, always loving
  • Forgiveness – Forgiveness is freedom. Forgiveness is peace. Forgiveness is for you (not the other person). Forgiveness is NOT apologizing.

How to Forgive When You Don’t Feel Like It … This is exactly what I needed when I was dealing with rejection. I am thankful for this book and all the Scripture inside it. Bible verses that got me through very difficult times.

Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others. Colossians 3:13

And remember … you can only change YOU! No one else!

As I mentioned in the video, I believe God is telling me to share my story. I’m praying about how & where to do this. I’ll keep you posted, but I’m thinking in October some time.

How have you been dealing with rejection or offenses? Please share a comment to help all of us.

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  1. Thank you, Kerry, this is really powerful. I’ve been hurt by a few good friends in the past years and I’ve never thought of it in this light. I will be focusing on gratitude, praise and prayer now

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