If you’ve read much of my blog in the past 6 months, you know that the book, One Thousand Gifts had a huge impact on my life. Last year, I began my list of gifts/thanks in my photo calendar.
This year, I decided to transfer my list to a journal.
I didn’t see my photo calendar regularly. The journal sits in my kitchen and I’m in the kitchen all day long. When I think of something God has given me, it’s convenient to jot it down immediately.
A few weeks ago I bought 2 journals and got one for free. I gave the extra journals to my daughters and I’m keeping one for me. Ashley & Gentry loved their journals.
If you’re looking for some beautiful journals or ones with Scripture, check out the DaySpring sale. Buy 2 journals, Get 1 Free until January 31, 2013.
DaySpring also gave me a free shipping code when you spend $30. Click here to place your order and use this DaySpring coupon code shipping30 when you check out.