From guest blogger, Debra Reed
Before notebooking for homeschool . . . our school days were chocked full of a variety of learning activities and curricula, but the learning was so dry and dull. By the end of the day, and I mean the-END-of-the-day, the kids were wiped out and so was I.
Do you have days like these?
Notebooking for homeschool will refresh and rejuvenate your homeschooling.
It opens the door for meaningful learning while saving you time, money, and those precious hours you currently spend (if you’re like most homeschooling moms) trying to tweak everything that you currently do to make your day better.
Today, I want to help you get started. Notebooking is a very simple tool. Basically, we just want to help our children get what’s in their brain onto paper using both what they can “see” and what they can verbalize.
I have been amazed out how effective this has worked with my children. Over the past few years, we have been able to completely eliminate the worksheet/test method from our schooling. We now use notebooking for just about e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g!
We’ve SAVED time, money, and SO much frustration by using this tool. Now, instead of a trashcan (or tote that gets tucked away in the back of the closet) full of oodles of paperwork that we’ll never look at again, we have beautifully crafted and individualized notebooks full of their best work–their OWN work–their very OWN homemade books!
You’ll pull these notebooks out time and time again throughout the years, just like your old photo albums, to treasure over and over again.
To give you some getting started pointers, I have prepared a detailed description of how to start your first pages and how to gently add notebooking to your day. We still follow these basic principles in our Home school Programs post.
If you want to use Notebooking for homeschooling, I highly recommend grabbing the FREE Notebooking Pages Sampler to test drive Notebooking Pages.
Thank you Debra who has allowed us to reprint this with permission from Notebooking Pages
To help you get organized, I have a 3-part video course, called How to Simplify Your Homeschool. Although I could charge for this course, I’m giving it to you completely free. Just enter your name & email below.
Then, check your Inbox for your first lesson. Each day, I’ll email you a short video with a quick task to get started. You’ll also receive my How to Simplify Your Homeschool Workbook for free. Each video has a one-page task to get you started on the way to confidently homeschooling your children this year

Question: How do you use notebooking in your homeschool? What tips would you give someone starting with notebooking? You can leave a comment by clicking here.