How to Create a Love of Learning

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how to create a love of learning in your kids from

With February being the month of love, I thought I’d share some ideas on how to create a “love” of learning in your family.  Over the next 2 weeks, I’ll be sharing tips & tricks that homeschool moms can use immediately to create a love of learning at home.

Child Love of LearningChildren who enjoy learning and discovery are those that will continue to love of learning as an adult.  Too often we squelch our children’s enthusiasm to learn at a very young age by giving them worksheets, review books, and tests, as well as making them sit rigidly in a chair.

Children naturally love to learn through the age of 13.  As homeschoolers, we need to draw out our children’s natural love of learning at an early age so it continues through life.

In the beginning…

This may not seem right, but it is true. A love of learning in your kids begins with YOU. If you do not have a love of learning, you need to establish your own love of learning first.

You are the model. Your kids copy what you do.

When children see you continually learning more, your excitement rub off, promoting a love of learning in them.

Mom Love of LearningMy own children tease me about how much I enjoy learning.  They know I love to read and learn.  They know I love history.  They know I love to share what I learn with others.

I don’t mind their teasing because they know how important learning is to me.  When my children got older they told me how thankful they are for the books we read aloud together.

Lesson for You: Don’t despair if your kids don’t act like they enjoy homeschooling.  They will appreciate it eventually.  Keep looking for ways to instill a love of learning.

If your children have a “hate” of learning, you should strive to change their attitude.   Spend some time thinking of reasons why your child hates learning. Their hate of learning did not happen instantly so a positive change in attitude will not happen instantly. It might take months or even years.

How Can You Change Your Kids’ Attitude to a Love of Learning?

1. Change your family’s daily routine

Don’t spend all day doing workbooks.  Did you like workbooks & textbooks?

OK, I actually did enjoy workbooks. But workbooks did not encourage me to love learning.  What inspired me to love learning?

– Reading real books, with living ideas.

With my own children, we read books aloud and discussed the lessons we could learn from them.  When we read together, my kids could draw, knit, color, do legos, toss a ball (softly in the air).  In other words, they could keep their hands busy while I read aloud.

– Spend time doing meaningful & purposeful activities, like growing a garden this spring.  Not only will your family learn about plants, they will learn about hard work, weather, sun, math.  Keep a journal of what you do and use it for writing activities.

how to create a love of learning - gardening from HowToHomeschoolMyChild.com2. Let your kids decide what to study

Allow more freedom to study their interests.

Let’s face it. When you are interested in a topic, you’ll do more to “learn” about it.  This can be done in reading, language, math, science, history … all sorts of subject areas.

If you have several kids, take turns choosing topics. to study.

3. Get excited yourself about your own discoveries

Eventually your enthusiasm will rub off.  This will take time; it will not happen overnight.

4. Use your afternoons for fun activities

Close up shop on your homeschooling at lunch time.  Choose a topic your kids like and study it for a few afternoons next week.

5.  Use Grace Week

If you are trying to figure out how to do this “love of learning thing” & not let go of your regular routine, try Grace Week. On the fourth week of each month, take a break. Study a topic your kids choose.

A Success Story

Just last fall my son told me that he did not like history until his high school years.  You may think that’s awful that he did not like history for 10 years…I thought it was to create a love of learning - from

I love history and knew he was not very interested.  I was excited because Hunter was finally enjoying his history studies because he had a teacher (yep, it wasn’t me) that inspired him to love history & literature.

God used a young man in Hunter’s life to instill a love of history and I am thankful.  Too often, homeschool moms want to be the one who does everything for their kids.  God may have other plans.

I share this with you because some subjects may take years to develop a love of learning.  Don’t stress over it.  Just keep praying and making learning fun, with a purpose..

Remember that more is caught than taught.

Your love of learning will eventually grow on your kids, if it isn’t happening right now.  Let your kids see you reading & discovering new concepts…right alongside of them.

Find ways to make your family learning time more fun & more meaningful. Give your kids a reason they are doing whatever you have them doing.

Question: What ideas do you have to create a love of learning in your kids?
You can leave a comment by clicking here so we can all learn together.

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One Comment

  1. Well said! I love how you said, Don’t stress over it. Just keep praying and make learning fun. I also like how you say to let them pursue their own interests.

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