Classical Approach to Homeschooling

Free Life Skills Leadership Summit

As we continue our Approaches to Homeschooling workshop series, we will discuss Classical Education this Thursday, May 16 (4pm EDT). Reserve your seat below.

Classical Approach to Homeschooling - Free Online Homeschooling Workshop from How to Homeschool My
Not sure what the classical approach is?

Join us on Thursday to discover:

  • Christian perspective of Classical Education
  • 7 Arts of Classical Education
  • How mentoring can give your kids a classical education
  • How to match your style of teaching with where your child is developmentally
  • How you can give your child an elite education, even if you didn’t receive one
  • Strengths & Weaknesses of the Classical Approach
  • Resources specific to classical education

My Favorite Aspect of Classical Education
One of my favorite aspects of the classical approach is that it follows child development.  As you teach your kids, you use techniques that match the development of your child.  When they are young, you use one type of education strategy. As they get older & their mind is more developed, you use other types of education techniques.

I’ll be sharing specifically what education techniques work best at what ages.

NOTE: If you use Chrome, please read…You will still be registered for this workshop, even if you receive a malware notice. We have contacted our web form developer, our webmaster  and tech support, who all say we have no malware. They are working on this matter and we hope to clear up this matter soon.

I hope you can join us every Thursday afternoon…

Question: What are your thoughts about the classical approach to homeschooling? What questions might you have.

You can leave a comment by clicking here.

Classical Approach to Homeschooling - Free Online Homeschooling Workshop from How to Homeschool My

how to simplify your homeschool
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  1. Hello,
    I have just found your site, and sadly have missed your earlier seminars. Are they archived, and if so how can the be accessed?
    Thank you in advance,
    J Saile

    1. Jennifer,
      First of all, I”m glad you found us & hope you can make it to Thursday’s workshop. We are recording each of the workshops and hope to have them all available in June. We’ll keep everyone informed here on our blog.

      If you have any questions for tomorrow, let me know. I’m putting the finishing touches on the workshop right now.

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