How to Avoid Christmas Stress this Year

Free Life Skills Leadership Summit

I don’t know about you, but I’ve had a wild week. You name it, it’s gone wrong. In some ways it’s a comedy of errors. In other ways, I believe it’s the enemy trying to steal my peace. You may feel the same way trying to avoid Christmas stress right now.

Since last weekend . . .

  • My thumbdrive broke and I lost all my work for an online conference in January. The work was due last Saturday and I had to re-create  and re-record some workshops. I still had a one-page ad to create
  • A week ago, I spent 4 hours on the phone with AT&T to straighten out our account, only to find out when I got home from the store, I have no data on my phone.
  • Last Sunday, I was on my way to the airport when we were directed to the feder road in bumper-to-bumper traffic. I had no data to pull up a map and find an alternative route to get to the airport on time.
  • When I was on the plane to El Salvador last Sunday evening, I was creating my one-page ad for that conference. All of a sudden, my drink is swimming across my laptop. The lady across the aisle got up and knocked over my drink … all over my laptop which immediately went dead. It’s never worked again.
  • On Monday morning,  I set down my blue mouthwash to gargle like I do everyday. It spilled all over my light green rugs.
  • Mid-week, I moved a folder in google docs so it would be more easily accessible. Somehow, I restricted access to myself. How does that happen?
  • Another two hours on the phone with AT&T and still trying to resolve my account…ugh!

Normally, I get upset in these situations. I complain. I’m sure you never complain … LOL! I would have been angry at the flight attendant, even though he had nothing to do with the passenger spilling my drink. I would have complained to the AT&T representatives … a lot!

stress free christmas

But, there’s really not much I can do about these situations, except turn to the One who can do something. It’s annoying, but I decided to not get angry or stressed out. I’ve decided to turn it around and see how God has been gracious to me. Yes, God has been working overtime on my attitude these past couple years. Thank You, God!

  • The week before I left for El Salvador, I backed up my laptop for the first time in two years. You guessed it. I’m one of those people who doesn’t back up automatically. If the hard drive is damaged, at least I have a current back-up.
  • The flight attendant on United, requested a $200 credit for my misfortune.
  • Our team to El Salvador brought three new laptops for our new teachers. I’m using one of them right now to write this.
  • My phone can get online with wi-fi. I’ll figure out why I don’t have data when I return from El Salvador.
  • We have a washing machine in El Salvador that cleaned my rugs. Our neighbors in El Salvador wash by hand.
  • My assistant found access to one of my google docs today, so she is looking to see if she has access to all the files.
  • Hunter lives in Houston so I called him and he gave me an alternative route that got me to the airport just in time.

My only response is thank you to God. Thanks for watching out for me. I still need to deal with the other issues, but there’s not much I can do until I get home.

To be perfectly honest, patience and understanding are not my strong suits. I don’t like to pray for patience because God will put me in situations I don’t like. Can you relate?

However, last year I started praying to be patient and kind each morning. I also prayed that I would put on my shoes of peace and walk in peace through God’s help. This past week I saw the fruit of God’s work in my attitude. Most of the time, I’m too busy complaining to see how generous and gracious God is to me.

stress free christmas

Avoid Christmas Stress

Let’s face it. Christmas is the most stressful time of the year. (I know it’s suppose to be the most wonderful time of the year)

I believe one secret to avoiding Christmas stress right now and having peace and patience in my life is changing my perspective. How do I do that?  I keep a gratitude journal. Almost every day, I list a minimum of three things thank God for.

{ Surviving Christmas } 7 tips to stress-free Christmas

Another thing I do is pray the armor of God each and every morning. You get dressed in clothes every morning. Do you dress yourself in God’s clothing, the armor He’s given you to have peace today?

During the Christmas season, it is so easy to get our eyes on life, the stress from family and friends. The Christmas stress from doing everything Pinterest perfect.It sucks the joy out of you.

Instead, let’s focus on Jesus this season and let the little things roll off your back.

Are you having one of those weeks?
Does Christmas stress you out?

If you want more

more ideas to integrate Christmas into your reading, writing, math, history, science and other homeschooling. Use Christmas as your central focus all month-long. I have many ideas for you in our Christmas Unit Study.

If you would like our complete list of activities you can do during Advent & Christmas, enter your name & email below. I’d be happy to send our Christmas Unit Study to you at no cost to you. This offer expires at the end of December. After that, it will be $9.97.

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  1. I too need to work on patience. I have been a bit low on it this Holiday season. Please pray for me and my family. I want to show Christ’s love and not my impatience.

    1. Candace,
      I prayed for you and your family. May God bless you with an extra amount of patience and Jesus’ love to show those around you

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