Ultimate Homeschool Blog Hop & Giveaway

Black Friday Sale

giveawayhop21196This giveaway is part of the Ultimate Homeschool Giveaway Hop hosted by Intoxicated on Life. Be sure to visit each of the blogs on the linky below for a chance to win many more amazing homeschool curricula, resources, and accessories.

Our Giveaways

We are giving away several prizes.  You can enter to win in the form below.

So, what can you win?

{FREE WORKSHOP} Approaches to Homeschooling - HowToHomeschoolMyChild.com

Approaches to Christian Homeschooling Complete Package ($90)

Raising Leaders Not Followers | HowToHomeschoolMyChild.com
Raising Leaders, Not Followers

Sir Cumference & Dragon of Pi | HowToHomeschoolMyChild.com

How to Homeschool My Child Living Math Books
3 Sir Cumference books ($23.85)

how to start your own business ... for familes & teens | HowToHomeschoolMyChild.com

How to Start Your Own Business …. for Families & Teens ($97)

 To Enter My Giveaway

You must grab one of our FREE Homeschool Activity Guides. Just click on the guide you want and enter your email at the bottom of that post. We’ll email each guide you request.

After you sign up for the activity guide, scroll to the bottom of this post & enter our FREE giveaway.

FREE Activity Guides - Choose ONE or More!

Oreo Phases of the Moon –Moon Phases Activity Guide

Cell Pizza Model – Cell Activity Guide

3D Model of a Cell with Jello w/ Cell Activity Guide

Super Bowl Activity Guide & Printables

Lucky Charms Graphing –St. Patrick’s Day Activity Guide

Top 10 Ways to Celebrate Cinco de Mayo (& How to make tortillas)

Bean Plant Experiment for Kids – Spring Math/Science Activity Guide

Easter Resurrection Rolls & Printable Lesson

Easter Resurrection Eggs Printable

66 Summer Fun Trip Ideas

206 Summer Activities for Kids

Apple Activity Guide

Olympics Activity Guide

Super Bowl Activity Guide & Printables

 Our host, Intoxicated On Life, has put together a grand prize worth nearly $1,000. This package includes art, music, history, science, Bible resources, writing, and more from these fantastic companies:

(Disclosure: Intoxicated on Life and participating bloggers are not responsible for companies who do not fulfill their prize obligations)

Question: What are you excited about the upcoming homeschool year? You can leave a comment by clicking here.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

how to simplify your homeschool
There may be affiliate links used in this post.


  1. I am excited to mix things up this year and get out of our old routine! I feel that this is going to be essential since I am adding new subjects and curriculum.

  2. I’m excited because our oldest son is now in 9th grade and that means all kinds of new adventures with homeschool biology dissections and more.

  3. I am very excited about getting organized and back to work. I am a little concerned about math but confident that he will do well. Thats why the Sir Cumference books would be wonderful.

  4. I am most excited about starting the new year with new curricula. I look foward to spending more time with my daughter and trying different approaches this year. I am thrilled to add in more hands-on activities like lapbooking into our day and snuggling on the couch for reading.

  5. I’m excited that the younger siblings are finally getting old enough to participate in a more meaningful way in our home school.

  6. I’m excited to be teaching American History and American Government. Our kids hear my husband and I talking about how we do agree or do not agree with what the government is doing. My son will be in Civics this year, so I’m going to be teaching the constitution to him and I’m looking forward to that. Civil War time period is my favorite and I really can’t wait to get to that this year. There are alot of Civil War activities around my area and I’m looking forward to taking the kids to them.

    1. I love the opportunity to relate homeschooling with real life concerns, even political ones. Congrats & good luck on what you are studying this year.

  7. Kerry! Hello, it’s me Sonia’s sister Denise. THANK YOU for putting together such a wonderful line up. I can’t wait to hear all the speakers! Be Blessed!

  8. We are excited for another year of adventure in the life of homeschooling. Praise God that we have the freedom to homescool.

  9. I’m excited to see how the Lord leads this year in our homeschooling and I’m excited that I will be teaching my third child to read this year. There’s just something special about that.

  10. I’m excited to help my son through some obstacles he has been struggling with having dyslexia. Thanks for the chance to win!

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